25- Reunited (*)(+)

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Chapter Twenty- Five: Reunited

~Thea's POV~

I am woken by Natasha, who is already up and ready. Moaning, I sit up blearily. "How'd you sleep?" she asks.

"Fine." I say, which isn't positively true. I had been tossing and turning all night, trying to fall into a peaceful sleep, but failing. A couple times, I woke up, trying to suppress my screams so that I wouldn't wake Natasha.

Then, I remember that I'm traveling to Asgard today, and more importantly, I'm going to see my sister.

I sit up straight like a rocket and climb out of the bed, running into the bathroom, past Natasha, who smiles slightly. I change quickly and walk back into the room. Natasha is gone, but has left my backpack open on my bed. I run around the room in a frenzy, throwing things into the backpack without a glance at what I'm throwing in there- at one point, I accidentally throw in Natasha's hairbrush.

I'm running down to the control room, my back pack only half on my shoulder when I come across Jack. He greets me enthusiastically, but then says a little sadly, "So you're leaving?"

"Just for a week," I reply, finally swinging my backpack on right. "Um, thanks for everything. I really appreciate it."

'Yeah, it was fun," he says easily. "I mean except getting caught. That wasn't ideal, but then again, all plans can't go as planned."

"I'll miss you," I say truthfully, looking at the cheerful British boy who had made my crazy life just a little bit sunnier.

"I'll miss you too, I guess," he says with a grin. Then, he opens his arms out and looks at me hopefully, "Hug?"

I hesitate, and then give in to my instincts, reaching forward and wrapping my arms around him. He's so tall, I hardly reach his chest, but he squeezes me back anyway. He smells like mint, and I try not to sniff too loudly.

The sound of footsteps interrupts us, and we hastily separate. Looking behind me, I see that Natasha is walking towards us, not looking particularly happy. "Okay, Thea, let's go. We're running out of time before those idiots show up, and you and Loki need to get out of here, now."

She hauls me down the hallway, and I barely get to say a brief, "Bye," to Jack before I turn a corner and he's lost from my view.

Natasha leads me down the hallway, hurrying me along if I even begin to slow down. She seems anxious, and seeing that she is the least-anxious person I've ever met- okay maybe except Barton or Loki- this naturally puts me on edge.

She stops me before a corner, waits for some armed guards to walk by and then pushes me ahead. "Hurry," she hisses, looking at her watch.

"Why are we hurrying?" I ask as she throws open a door to the darkness of the dawn. It's overcast, and then smell of rain is heavy in the air. Even though the sun is barely shining over the horizon, the birds are already making a racket.

"Because we have two minutes before the bomb goes off and our distraction is wasted," says Natasha, pushing me ahead of her as we hike through some vegetation at the edges of the rain forest.

I want to ask what the heck a bomb has to do with me when I realize that we are in a cleared-out field. It's a small dimension, surrounded by trees and plants and flowers. Waiting in the center are Barton and Loki, who both look up when Natasha and I approach.

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now