50- The Child on the Asgardian Throne (*)(/)

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Hey all!!
Here's another one! :) Hope you like it... 



Chapter Fifty 

~Thea's POV~

For all my chagrin, my arm isn't exactly healed, and my arm is in a considerable amount of pain by the time I arrive at the base of the palace. I, in fact, am in so much agony that I nearly fall off at the end, but stop the gray horse long enough to swing off. Regardless, I don't exactly swing off- I fall off, but manage to grab the horse's reins so that I can steady myself. 

Loki, on the other hand, swings off his horse magnificently, his cape blustering in the wind. He smirks at me as I grab my arm in pain. I glare at him. "Shut up."

"I didn't say anything." he says, still smirking. 

"You were thinking."

Loki doesn't even bother to reply. He stalks past me, entering the palace just as Sif exits it. She ignores Loki (he does the same to her) and nods in my direction. "Come with me. We have healers that-"

"I'm fine." I state, still put-off about my arm. "I don't-"

"Loki's not going to let me sleep, or more importantly to you, he's not going to let you leave unless you get that taken care of. Now come with me." 

She vanishes around the corner, her high ponytail swishing behind her with a snap. I don't care for Sif that much, but nonetheless, I follow her down the passageway to the lower levels of the palace. I find it very hard to keep up with Sif, who acts like she is walk-running a marathon. I end up having to trot after her.

By the time we get to what I presume are the healing areas, my arm is burning magnificently. It's somewhat of a relief when a woman with charcoal skin, bright amber eyes, and a solemn way about her leads me into a small room. 

It doesn't take long. She merely washes the place where the arrow pierced my skin (I try as hard as possible not to wince), pours some sort of special Asgardian liquid over it, and then wraps it in a special nylon-like cloth, that I learn is waterproof (I learn it's waterproof because I accidentally knock over a vase of water, which spills all over me.)

The healer releases me, but there is no Sif to guide me back to the entrance. I decide to explore a little; I have a feeling that if Loki wants to find me, he'll find me. Besides, I look forward to him being annoyed and looking all over the Asgardian palace for me.

The palace, by the way, is absolutely beautiful. The last time I was here, I didn't have the chance to appreciate the majesty of it. The majority of the rooms, chambers, and halls are either half-outside or have large, open balconies or windows overlooking Asgard's cliffs, the seas, the gardens, or the city below. 

I step out onto a garden terrace that overlooks the city. It's made of stone, with tendrils of flowers and plants snaking through it. The morning sun is so bright, I have to blink rapidly to get used to it. 

After a few minutes of watching the spectacle of the thriving city below me, of the planes zooming over my head, and a large hawk-like creature that soars above me, I turn back to go into the palace. 

The architecture is gilded... everywhere. As I walk through the halls, my footsteps sound on the marble floors, making me feel very conspicuous. I do not like to be conspicuous. 

Eventually, I turn into a large hall, which I presume to be the throne room, based on the raised chair on a platform in front of me. It's nearly completely empty, save for a few guards, patrolling. They don't pay the slightest bit of attention to me, and I don't pay the slightest bit of attention to them either. 

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now