29- Max and Kyle

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Chapter Twenty Nine

~Thea's POV~

When I wake up, I find that my leg is feeling perfectly fine. Groaning, I sit up... the light is filtering brightly through the window, even though the curtains are thick, so I assume it's late in the morning.

I glance over at the other bed. Jack is snoring softly, his right leg and arm hanging off the bed. Then, I look over at the clock and nearly smack my head on the headboard in surprise. It's already one in the afternoon.

Reluctantly, I drag myself out of bed, and begin to walk over to the small bathroom. I can't determine when exactly I last brushed my hair or washed myself.

As I do so, I hear the low murmurings of several people. Curious, I lean my head against the door.

"-blue moon is in eleven days. If the monsters don't know where the convergences are to get the Mantra, then all we need to do is keep them busy for eleven days." Natasha says. I recognize her no-kidding attitude.

"Their sole occupations seem to be the girls and the Mantra," says Loki. "We need to keep them away from both."

"We haven't even determined where the Mantra is," points out Natasha.

"Yeah, about that," Tony's voice seems farther away, so I assume he's at the other end of the room, where he had dumped his laptop. "If we have to, we can use the girls as bait."

There is complete silence, and I amuse myself by imagining the murderous look Natasha must be giving Stark. I know he's kidding.

Sure enough, he says hastily, "I'm kidding. So what's going to happen? Jack is too weak to be on the move, and all of us are too recognizable. We can't hide her that long without being caught. Each of us have our own teensy little run-ins with the government, be it being an agent of a top-secret agency, burning down half the city of Manhattan or, you know, building giant suits of armor."

"That's where I come in," says a deep voice, unrecognizable. I can't see the owner of the voice, but I don't like where this is going. "I can keep Thea safe while you draw a fake trail with Jack and Tony. Natasha and Loki can head back to S.H.I.E.L.D. as a decoy, and then we can all circle back eventually."

"Eventually, as in eleven days," states Natasha.

"Hopefully not," says the stranger. "But maybe."

I peek through the crack in the door. I see Natasha, Loki, and Tony (the latter who is, as predicted, on his laptop). I don't see the mystery person, but the other three are looking towards the other wall, so that's where I assume he is.

"Where will you take her?"

"That's easy," the guy says says. "The cabin I share with my brother Kyle near South Haven. About three hours from here."

"And who's this Kyle person? Your brother, you say" asks Natasha with a steely look in her eyes.

"Kyle Calen?" asks Tony, answering the question. "I know him. Used to be a spy for S.H.I.E.L.D. before his left eye went blind. Surprised you've never heard of him, Nat. Nice guy."

Natasha doesn't seem to be convinced. "So you're expecting me to go along with the idea of sending Thea alone with two strange men?"

"I'm standing right here," says the stranger.

"They're not strange," says Tony. "Both are Jack's cousins Technically distant cousins, and technically not anymore because his parents got divorced, but but cousins nonetheless."


"I guess. Look, Nat, this is our best option. The government is on our tails as it is, you know that."

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora