36- For the Love of a Child (*)

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Here's another chapter! I hope you enjoy! :) Love you all, and thanks so much for the beautiful comments and votes and reads!!! Blue Moon was more of a past time at first, but now it's such a big part of my life. I've loved meeting so many of you. Thanks for the support and never shy away from your dreams-- shoot for the moon cause even if you miss, you will still land among the stars.



Chapter Thirty Six:

~Thea's POV~

"What's up with you?" asks Jack as I turn the corner and find him waiting, with Peter and Steve. "Are you okay?"

"Leave it Jack," says Max before I can say anything. I close my mouth with my silence.

Jack gives Max a nasty look and then slows down his pace so that he can walk alongside me. "Did anything happen?" he asks in a terse whisper, casting glances at both Max and Loki.

I shake my head. "I'm good."

Jack keeps looking at me, but then finally turns away as we enter the a top layer of the house, which I come to realize also houses some mechanisms for flight. As in: a couple planes, a helicopter, and various assorted parts. It smells like machinery and iron.

Tony joins us, handing a duffel bag apiece to Jack and me. He then "goes over" some things with Steve. I lean against a dozen or so steel planks and try to listen in, but they're talking too softly for that.

I glance towards Loki; he's talking with Max and Thor about something that I honestly don't care about. Then, as casually as possible, I meander around the steel beams and innocently place the iPhone at the back. The entire process takes around five seconds, and I'm relieved to see that nobody is the wiser.

Resisting the urge to whistle a victorious tune, I join Jack who, like the others, has been perfectly oblivious to my little stunt, and smile at him happily. Maybe some good will come out of this trip after all.

Apparently, as I discover, Max will be flying the plane. I find it amusing that with a combination of a WWII war hero and a Norse god, they can't manage to fly an airplane. Jack amuses me by offering to fly it himself, but Max punches his shoulder (relatively gently, although with a guy the size of Max, it can't be all that gentle) and tells him to stop eavesdropping.

Tony gets on the plane first, a small one very similar to the one I took to the jungle. Ironic enough, that's probably exactly where I'm going to be heading again. As I make my way to the iron walkway that leads up to the plane's opening, I trip and flail my arms around to try and steady my balance.

"Such grace," says Loki belittlingly, and I realize that it's he who has helped me get my balance back. For some reason, his comment puts me off and I slap him across the face before I can stop myself.

There is absolute silence, and my eyes widen as I realize what I just did. Then, blinking back tears, I stalk onto the plane, trying not to stomp.

"Thea," Peter begins, but out of the corner of my eye, I see Max shake his head at the older boy subtly.

Trying to distract myself, I glance around the plane. The only main differences between the previous one and this plane are that it this one is a little bigger, with three mini cabins that hold bunk beds, against the walls, plus a tiny kitchenette- basically, a sink and some counter space. There are also lots of storage areas and places for weapons, parachutes, and the ilk.

Jack and I immediately claim the back cabin, against the far wall. He slides the wooden compartment closed and clicks the lock. "Top or bottom?"

"Don't care."

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now