19- In the Middle of the Jungle, In the Middle of Nowhere

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Sorry this took so long, but FINALLY, here is the new chapter!!! :) 

Chapter Nineteen- In the Middle of the Jungle, In the Middle of Nowhere

Thea's POV

When I wake up, I realize that my head is throbbing. I do not know if it is because of my constant headache or the slow drumming of the engine below me. As I sit up, I realize that the engines signal that we are landing.

Looking outside, all I see is green, with the occasional speck of brown. It's still early and only the slightest pink rays of the first sunlight pierce the sky. Slowly, the plane is descending. Glancing around, I see Natasha, Clint, and Loki at the forefront of the plane, gesturing outside.

Seeing all of the trees, I am horribly confused as to how we are going to manage to land, even though by normal standards, it's not that large. My answer comes a few seconds later. Slowly, the wings are folding in, and I spot a stretch of greenish strip of land that could pass for a makeshift runway. There are a few figures dotted about and I spot a pewter colored building nearby.

Then, we touch down, and I am thrown forward so that my head hits the steel rod supporting the bunk bed. I wince as I see a couple stars and blink rapidly, trying to get my bearings as I grip my temple. The plane cruises for a few minutes and then comes to a smooth stop right in front of the building, which I take to be a sort of airplane hangar.

With a faint whooshing sound, the door swings open and, as I am close to the door, I am slammed with a wave of heat. Tropical forest, no kidding.

Without saying a word, Loki walks past me, down onto the smooth asphalt. I ignore his presence and instead turn to Natasha, who has unbuckled herself from the pilot's seat and is now walking towards me. "I thought we would be in the middle of nowhere."

"We are," she replies, slinging a duffel bag over her shoulder and sliding on some sunglasses. "But you didn't think we would be uncivilized, did you?"

"Sort of," I reply, then, thinking I probably need to collect some things before I get off, I begin to walk back to my bunkbed, where I assume my stuff is.

I'm stopped by Natasha. "Leave it. Someone will get it, but I want to take you to where we will be staying."

"Not in the airplane hangar?"

Natasha doesn't provide me with an answer, so with a slight huff, I hop off the steps after her. The heat is pressing around me, and, being a native of New York, it hits me like a sauna. Moisture hangs in the air so densely, I can almost see droplets hanging in front of my still drowsy eyes. Everywhere, vegetation hangs, strewn about the path so freely that I nearly trip on an outstretched root. Above us, I hear the chittering of what I presume to be insects, but depending on where on earth we are, I suppose it could be tropical birds or even monkeys.

Natasha leads me down a fork in the path, which is still crowded with green everywhere, but slightly less so than the one that branches to the left. "What's the other one lead to?"

"Doesn't matter."

As we pass a few officers who I assume are from S.H.I.E.L.D., I make a mental note of the general location of the other path, so I can somehow sneak back and explore. But, then my mind is distracted as we come into a clearing, and my eyes automatically widen.

In front of me is what appears to be a giant tree house, about forty or fifty feet above the ground. However, it is cleverly hidden, camouflaged by all of the green so that I can only scarcely see the roof, which looks bamboo or some sort of material similar, and some of the forest green walls. It has multiple stories, all which lead from a rope ladder about twenty yards in front of me.

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now