45- Thor's Advice

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Thor's Advice

Chapter Forty Five

~Thea's POV~

When I wake up, I have a splitting headache, I'm super hot and sweaty, and my throat is aching terribly. "Water," I rasp to myself, seeing as there is nobody in here. "I need water." 

My fever intensifies that day. According to Tony, who has stopped by briefly to assure me that there will be no 'we' in Indonesia, I'm a hellish inferno, and with my fever, my skin is actually devilish too. I try to make a sassy comeback, but it's interrupted by my coughing fit, and him yelling for Bruce. 

Speaking of Bruce, he forbids me from leaving the room. At that point, I actually throw up, basically annihilating any of my plans for sneaking out. 

A cycle of Bruce, Kyle, and Max alternates through my room throughout the day. Bruce and Kyle because (apparently) they're doctors, and Max because he is somewhat of a comfort. And because he's basically a messenger between Jack and me. Although right now, both of us are alternating between sleeping and trying to fitfully sleep, so there's not much to be said. 

Except, he does say get the point across that he cares about me, which means a lot to me.

Actually, what Max tells me is "your boyfriend wants me to tell you that you mean a great deal to him, and that he thinks about you often. What he actually said was, 'For God's sake, I'm going to kill her for making me so worried, I didn't sleep for nights', in that British accent of his".  

"As in," says Kyle, who is sitting at the desk next to my bed, doodling on some charts, "He looooves you."

"He's not my boyfriend," I rasp, blushing not because I'm lying because I'm happy that Jack does care. And on't talk to me like that, like I'm a kid."

"You are-" 

Max gives his brother a look, silencing him. 

I get a lot more visitors today.

Later that morning, Tony and Steve drop by. 

"I already know why you're here." I say, staring at the ceiling. 

"Yeah, we know." says Tony. "But we're coming to tell you that if you even think about trying to sneak out- tell me, is this whole sick-thing a clever sort of ruse to try to sneak out."

"That's not your job to tell me not to sneak out."

"Well considering that the person who told you that all the time to an excruciatingly annoying level is, how do I put this lightly, dead-"

I sit up like a rocket, even though my body screams in protest.

"Tony." says Steve. 

Tony waves him off, "No, no, no, seriously. Is this-"

"Tony, would you get to the point?" demands Steve.

"Tony has already made his point," I say in a fake-cheerful voice, which is directed solely at Tony, because Steve is not (as usual) doing anything annoying and Tony is (as usual) doing something annoying. "Now get out of my room before I vomit."

"Because you don't want me here, or because-"

Steve practically pushes Tony out of the room. 

My last visitors are Clint and Natasha. Bruce is in the room with me at the time. "Okay," says Natasha. "We're leaving."

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