6- Beginning to Trust

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Chapter Six

~Older Girl's POV~

I go down in the basement-like eating area to grab some fruit. It's around noon, and the place is completely empty. It's a bit haunting, but I am glad to be alone.

I am just about to sit down when I hear somebody behind me. Turning around, I see that it's Fury. Nick Fury.

"Hello, Thea," he says.

My eyes widen. "Who-"

"You did."

I frown. "No I never did."

"There are cameras around every square inch of this craft, and those include microphones if I deem it necessary. And I am glad I assumed earlier would be necessary."

He raises his hand as I shift. "Do not bother to fight me here. I am aware that you could probably take me down, but there are three S.H.I.E.L.D. workers standing right outside this room and they will come assist me if possible."

"Just because I move does not mean I am going to fight you," I say slowly.

"My apologies. I am just taking precautions."

I cross my arms. "Why are you here?"

"To ask you a few things."

"Just because I tell somebody my name," I say through gritted teeth, really wishing I had ignored my hungry stomach. "Does not mean I am willing to tell anyone anything else."

"I find your choice of audience very unusual, Thea."

I bristle when he says my name. "And why is that, Director?"

Nick shrugs, ignoring the sarcastic tone of my voice. "Because Loki is the god of mischief, the god of lies, and the war criminal from two years ago."

New York.

"That was Loki?" I ask.


I don't want to show him that this bothers me, because it does. It really does. It burns through my core, but I cannot allow Fury to see that, "I don't see why this favors you," I say smoothly. "You are telling me that the one person I barely even opened up to is untrustworthy." I raise my hands. "Alright then. I won't be telling anyone anything."

Nick raises his eyebrows, but is silent. "I was expecting such a response from you."

"That's not a compliment."

"It wasn't intended to be a compliment."

"Then I'll take it as a compliment," I say stiffly.

Nick's mouth twists in a half smile.

"You can leave," I say.

"I could if I wanted to," says Fury. "But as this plane is under my control, I am able to go wherever I please."

"Fine," I say, slamming my plate of food on the table and walking past him. "Then I'm leaving."

I am no more than two feet out of the door than three uniformed young men grab at me. I slam the first one in the face, kick the other a good one and then round-house kick the other one. He is knocked out. The second recovers first and grabs the my arms, pinning them behind me. I leap up and kick out behind me, knocking his chest and causing both of us to stumble back. His friend comes to try to help, but I lunge with my teeth and my other foot connects with his groin. He cries out and stumbles.

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now