Part 5

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Three Weeks Later...

Neferure POV

I could easily see what was going on behind the Pharaohs back and though I wanted to tell him what was going on something told me that he already knew and maybe ignored it or something like that. Shaking my head I walked through the halls awaiting on what I was supposed to do that day when a pair of hand grabbed me and pulled me behind a pillar.

"Most men could easily grab you and take advantage of you." a male voice who Neferure recognized as Ka said as I nodded playing the innocent victim. "Today you train with me, I will not go easy on you either."

Ka released me and I wanted to give him all I got but knowing he was so close to the queen it made me wonder if anything I did he would just report back to her. I had seen Hannah in passing, as usual she was in the library trying to figure out who we were looking for while helping whoever was supposed to serve there. Needless to say she got the easy part of this deal.

"I wouldn't expect you to, I hardly ever see you go easy on anyone Ka. After all going behind someones back, especially someone you call a friend and doing something you know would truly hurt him that would come from a true betrayer." I say as I circle him showing that I wasn't afraid of him and he could try all the tricks he wanted on me bu they wouldn't work.

"What would you know of betrayal?" Ka questioned as I stopped right in front of him and looked him in the eyes.

"More then a spoiled brat like you could ever hope to understand." I reply and for a second I thought he was going to hit me and for a moment he even held up his arm.

"Are you going to strike her?" another male voice called out.

Turning around there stands Nahkt, I didn't know why or how he was here but for some reason I was happy just not to be alone with Ka anymore. Nahkt walked forward and stood beside me as Ka looked between the both of us as if we were a joke. Behind him though I saw the Pharaoh himself enter the room. How in the world did all of these people know where I was? Maybe it didn't even have to do with me though. The pharaoh looked at Nahkt and I then quickly turned his attention to Ka.

"Neferure, Nahkt leave us, I have a few things to discuss with my friend Ka." The pharaoh said with authority in his voice.

You never disobey a pharaoh, at least not yet. Bowing my head I turn with Nahkt and quickly leave the room but stood close enough to hear what they were talking about even though they were speaking very low. Nahkt and I looked at one another as we head the Pharaoh accuse Ka of sleeping with his wife. We didn't know if the rumors were true but it definitely made the Pharaoh upset and he demanded that Ka release her so the gods could grant him and heir. There was no possible way though, remembering history I knew that Tut's wife would have at least six miscarriages and who was to say they were his to begin with.

"Fool, sleeping with the queen and mistaking lust for love." Nahkt said as he stood up straight.

"You know the difference between love and lust?" I question as Nahkt looks back into my eyes and once again I can't help but stare back at him.

Even though he was a nosy pain in the butt he was certainly handsome and every now and then I had caught him doing a good deed but made sure that no one knew it was by his hand. Nahkt moved closer to me and gently pressed his finger tips across my cheek.

"Love is a feeling oh which you feel as though at times it cannot be explained and other times it is a feeling in which you would rather die than be without the one you loved, to hold them in your arms to know they were safe and protected by none other then yourself." Nahkt spoke sofly and kindly.

My stomach was full of butterflies and my heart was beating faster then it had in a very long time. I didn't know if Nahkt honestly felt anything for me but something inside of me was quickly falling for him to the point that it scared me.

"Lust you could have with any woman, take her to bed for a night then forget her in the morning, love is unforgettable." Nahkt said as he leaned down and gently kissed me.

Ay's POV

Neferure and her little sister or friend whatever you wanted to call her had been in the palace for only close to a month and already Neferure was being trained to fight. I knew there was some way I had to get her on my side that was the main reason I had wanted her and Nahkt to become closer and maybe just maybe fall for one another. Nahkt was stubborn though and tried to keep away from her as much as possible but I would still catch him watching her train with one of the others or once he even followed her around. It was only a matter of time before he completely fell for her.

Just as I was going to see the Pharaoh I saw something that would have made my heart stop if I had not have wanted it to happen so much. There was Nahkt together with Neferure and he was kissing her. Finally the boy was doing something right! Neferure still looked a bit reserved but that was to be expected. Keeping silent I hid quickly but could still hear them talking.

"Neferure, only the gods know what you have done to me for you have bewitched me body and soul." Nahkt declared and a part of me was excited to know the boy had finally fallen only after less then a month.

"Nahkt, I care for you too but you barely know me, wouldn't you prefer to get to know me more?" Neferure asked as any rational woman would.

Just as Nahkt was about to answer the doors to the other room opened and peeking back I could see the Pharaoh and Ka walking through the doors but Ka looked like a hurt lamb and would avoid eye contact.

"Neferure, as your pharaoh I have an assignment for you, we are riding into battle and I would prefer if you went with us in disguise t guard myself." the pharaoh said and I knew she could not say no to the pharaoh but the look of horror on Nahkt's face was unmistakable.

"Of course my Pharaoh." Neferure said bowing.

The Pharaoh nodded and walked off with Ka right beside him. Nahkt held onto Neferure as she stood up.

"They are going to war and you willingly go with them? Perhaps to your death?" Nahkt asked with fear shaking in his voice.

"Yes, I must do as the Pharaoh asks." Neferure stated sadly and a part of me knew she didn't want to leave Nahkt at all for fear she may not return.

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