Part 14

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Abigail's POV (Neferure)

"Stop" the queen says in a hurry. "As much as I would love you to marry Nahkt it would also cause more chaos. Look out that sheet and see what has happened to your sister."

Not sure what to make of the situation I do as the queen says and there before my eyes is my own mother holding Hannah and Aro hostage. Not seeing my mothers in years it was quite a shock to not only see her standing before me but about to kill my friends.

"What is the meaning of this?" Nahkt questions.

"She threatened to kill me if I spoke but I cannot watch any more people die, Neferure if you do not marry Ka then she will kill your friends." The queen spoke carefully in a whisper.

Kill my friends? My own mother would go that far? What could she possibly gain from any of this. I knew I didn't have time to measure all of my options as I could now hear chanting in the back ground. Knowing I had to stop her and figure this all out somehow I knew that Nahkt's plan would not work. Turning back to him with tears in my eyes I watch as Nahkt simply nods to me. He understood that at this point in time I really had no choice in the matter.

"Fine, I'll marry Ka." I tell the queen but don't even look her way; instead my gaze is focused on Nahkt. "I am so sorry, things are at a point where I don't have a choice. I can't let anything happen to Sekmet (Hannah) or Aro."

"You don't need to explain to me, after this you need to find out what that mad woman is up to and stop her plan." Nahkt tells me as he gives me one last kiss then follows the queen out of the make shift, tent room.

Well this was it, I didn't know is this whole plan was because of Ka or maybe he was being controlled by my mother but I knew I had no options. Going through with the wedding ceremony with Ka was it. Right beside Ka was Nahkt who was marrying a complete stranger. All of this was definitely the works of a crazy woman, my mother. The ceremony was over before I knew it and Ka was leaning in and his lips met mine. Holding me close to him I wanted to say I was completely disgusted until I saw the Pharaoh in the background talking with the Queen who looked like she was going to burst into tears.

After the kiss, we were escorted to our rooms to perform the next ritual.

Hannah's POV (Sekmet)

The woman was crazy and her plan seemed much more elaborate than I thought. We could hear the priests in the background celebrating the marriage of Ka and Nahkt. I didn't need to know who they married since I already knew, I could see Abigail and Ka being led out first followed by Nahkt and his new bride as well.

"She didn't..." Aro stated unable to believe the sight before his eyes.

"She had to...after all our plan has to go through." Another female voice said and to our shock the queen came forward. "I must say my performance was better than I rehearsed."

"You?! What do you possibly get out of Abigail being married to Ka?" I yell out as loud as I can.

"Oh don't you see, she's a strong and healthy young woman quite capable to producing an heir I can claim as my own." The queen laughs as Abigail's mother rolls her eyes.

Aro struggles in his binds to try and get free but it's useless. The queen laughs as she walks up to him and takes a dagger cutting the loose shirt from his chest. This woman and Abigail's mom both needed to make an appointment with Dr. Froyd...asap. He was our mental health doctor back at the base and they needed an evaluation.

"Leave them be, after tonight Ka's child will be safe with my daughter and when the time comes you will know what to do." Abigail's mom says as she looks up at the queen.

"Joy kill." The queen spoke using terms that she shouldn't know.

"It's kill joy...if you want to use terms from my time get them right."

The queen cackled as she walked away from us meanwhile Abigail's mother was about to get comfortable until a pot was smashed over her head. Looking behind her I saw Nahkt and his new wife with pots in hand though it looked like is bride had been the one to knock out Abigail's mother.

"Hope I didn't kill her..." the woman states as she goes to the body and retrieves the keys for our shackles.

"What is going on here?" Aro asks completely shocked.

"Neferure had a feeling the queen was lying so she sent us back here to help you but we need to get to her and replace Ka with someone else, someone who can't be controlled by the queen." Nahkt says and all of our eyes go to Aro.

"Me?!" Aro asks surprised.

"You aren't Egyptian, so she really has to control over you." The young woman states unlocking us. "I'm not from Egypt either so once you know in Ka's place with Neferure then I will place you under my protection so we can get away from here."

"We have to stop the sorceress though." I remind them.

"Neferure said she already knew how to but she would need some time so that is what we are going to give her, time." Nahkt says as we quickly make out way to a chariot.

"What about you Nahkt? You are just going to let her go?" Aro asks a bit skeptical.

"She was never truly mine, after all you married her first." Nahkt replies with a raised eye brow looking at Aro.

"She told you?!" I yell surprised.

Nodding Nahkt began to explain that while we were busy getting captured that Neferure or Abigial had told him everything. Even changing into her black suit for proof and talking to Fred as well. Now that he knew everything Nahkt told us he had no right to keep her here no matter how much they liked one another. This man was incredibly selfless and the woman he married agreed with him on everything including how much they wanted to help.

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