Part 13

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Hannah's POV

This wedding with Nahkt I knew was killing Abigail but she knew as well as I that we couldn't stay in the past with someone even if we did have romantic feelings for them. The only Chrissy got to stay behind in the American Revolution was because she got pregnant. Still I couldn't help but feel bad for her and Nahkt they looked like they had something good going and we all knew that Ka was the one that set this up no matter if her tried to deny it or not.

Making my way to the temple I climb the steps and the sight that meets me at the top almost sent me down to the bottom. There Ka is kissing Abigail with a lot of passion and something told me if the queen came by anytime soon that they both would be dead.

"KA!" a loud annoying voice screeched out.

Well looks like I spoke to soon. The Queen walks forward with a furious look on her face as if she were ready to slap both Ka and Abigail. However Ka doesn't look worry at all while Abigail may be the one to push him down the steps of the temple.

"My queen, as per the Pharaohs own orders to me, I have found a bride and wish to marry her today as well." Ka stated as he put his arm around Abigail and whispers something into her ear, it must have scared her because she looked up at the Queen and nodded in agreement.

"Finally, it seems Neferure has caught your eye Ka. She will make a fine bride and mother." The pharaoh says stepping forward and touching his wife's shoulder.

Oh, this is going to be one screwed up marriage. Doubt Abigail will last a month without killing Ka. Not that I blamed her, he was the scum of the earth after all. The pharaoh led the queen, Ka and Abigail into the temple as someone tapped my shoulder scaring me to death as I turn around to see Aro.

"What's happened?" Aro asks as he looks around confused.

"Ka has found a way to blackmail Abigail I mean Neferure into marrying him and its going to happen right alongside Nahkt's wedding!" I tell him quickly.

"Then we have to stop it." Aro says.

Just as we go to move the sorceress appears out of nowhere and holds both of us up by our neck. Yep I knew she was evil and up to something, this just proves I am right even more.

"After all my hard work, I will not allow them to take her from me again!" the woman screams at us.

Kicking the best I can I try to hit her arm to let us down but she just laughs at us. Finally I kick high enough to reach her veil. Pulling it down the face of the sorceress is one that I actually knew and if Abigail were here too then she would know as well. A gasp escapes me well as little one as I could muster.

"Who are you?!" Aro yelled out and I had no idea how.

The woman loosened her grip just a little and I looked over to Aro.

"She's one of us alright, that is Abigail's mother." I tell Aro who looks over at the woman in shock.

Abigail's POV (Neferure)

That jerk had tricked me and now not only did I have to see Nahkt get married but I had to marry the toad named Ka. As if this day couldn't get any worse. I knew if I didn't cooperate that Ka would do what he said and kill Aro, Hannah and Nahkt. Of course leave it to that jerk to find my weakness. Standing in a room beside the temple I am re dressed in wedding wear I didn't want to know where they got or who Ka had make or me. All I knew was that I didn't want to marry him I wanted to get the heck out of here!

"Neferure?" a familiar male voice says.

Turning around I see Nahkt looking at me and now he probably thinks that I betrayed him. Not that I would ever do that but I wouldn't put that thought past him at this point.

"Nahkt? What are you doing here?" I question as I walk up to him.

"I knew Ka was evil but I didn't know he would make the queen have me marry a random stranger. The evil inside him grows worse by the day." Nahkt says as he comes up to me and takes my hand.

"There is nothing we can do though, the pharaoh doesn't want Ka around the queen so he will do all that he can to make sure Ka is distracted." I sigh as I look down at the ground.

Someone else then bursts into the room and I remember him as the priest who I thought was crazy. In his hand he held a book. I had no idea what he was doing in here or why he had the book but I just wanted to know what was going on.

"Ka can't marry you if I do first." Nahkt says looking to the priest.

That definitely caught me off guard.

Hannah's POV

Abigail's mom whose name was Naomi had used a few of her goons to take us somewhere deep in the temple until the wedding was over. Turns out it wasn't Ka's idea to marry Abigail but in fact her own mother's idea. She wanted to keep Abigail in Ancient Egypt with her since apparently she had been exceled there. No doubt a plan that Abigail would never go with.

"You Roman, you have caused more trouble than you are worth, what are you to my daughter anyway?" Naomi asks as she takes a dagger and holds it to Aro's neck.

"I'm her husband. In ancient Rome that is." Aro replies as he looks to me.

"Second actually, she married a doctor before you in the witch trials. However that took place after Ancient Rome so would you be the first husband then? Or-" I start to say.

"Hannah, shut up. I forgot how annoying you were." Naomi sighed as she went over to a table holding a lot of other knives and tools I didn't want to know about. "My daughter will soon have Ka's seed and be forced to stay here with her mother, the only human who has ever loved her."

Aro looked to me with wide eyes as if to ask me 'Is this woman serious?' Nodding my head because I knew this was the reason that Naomi had been banished and Abigail took her place. In this very time Naomi fell in love with a sorcerer. However she didn't like to be wife number 12 so she decided to get rid of the other 11 and abandon her mission with our agency.

"What makes you think that Abigail want's that? You never asked for her opinion!" I call out to Naomi.

"Because I am her mother little girl, and mother knows best." Naomi laughs as she leaves the room.

"She's crazy! How in the world do those two even come from the same family?" Aro asks me as he tries to undo the chains.

Of course like crazy Naomi she chained us to the wall to make sure we wouldn't leave and ruin her plan. Her very weird and disgusting plan. We had to find a way out though, we had to save Abigail and make sure she doesn't marry Ka or carry his seed. Oh that just sounds gross in my head.

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