Part 11

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Hannah's POV

Just a few hours before the new Pharaoh would not only be crowned but Ka would also take the Queen for his wife. For some reason this just didn't set well with me. Mostly because I knew what history and this was not how it was supposed to go. There was nothing I could do though, even if I did confront the woman and try and stop this it wouldn't bring Abigail back. Walking through the palace I could see other servants with fine threads of different colors coming and going from the Queens room, no doubt getting her ready for the wedding and crowning.

"Sekmet, where have you been?" Ay asks as he makes his way up to me. "Being Neferure's sister the priest has asked that you go and offer up prayers for you sister after the ceremony."

"Of course, I will do that as soon as the ceremony ends. Thank you for coming to find me." I manage to say quietly.

"Your sisters loss has effected many, my own son refuses to believe that she has left this earth and still holds hope. Maybe you two can try to comfort one another." Ay tells me before he walks off.

Nahkt and Abigail really liked one another and I did feel sorry for him but I knew there wasn't much I could do to help him. Knowing the ceremony was soon I decided to go and change clothes quickly before blending in with the crowd. Ka walked forward about to be crowned Pharaoh so that he could then marry the Queen. What none of us saw coming was someone come out of the crowd and as he was about to be attacked another person, a woman revealed herself and held her weapons to the guards. My eyes couldn't believe it. Abigail and the Pharaoh were alive.

"They said you were dead." The queen stuttered as she looked to the Pharaoh.

The Pharaoh was livid with good reason but he did manage to give his dagger to Abigail as he went to where Ka and the queen stood. Neferure followed though I don't think she really had any idea what else to do in this situation.

"Leave my queen be that way the gods can finally provide me with an heir without her whoring around with you." The pharaoh spoke in a deadly tone.

"Pharaoh, I know not of what you speak, the General had told us of not only your death but of your guards as well." Ka stated and anyone could sense the fear coming from him.

"A tackle very rarely kills anyone." Abigail said with a scoff as she looked at Ka.

"Ka?" the queen questioned then looked back to Ay. "Bring the General for he has a lot of explaining to do."

The Pharaoh already fed up with what he had seen gave a small sign to Abigail and she nodded. He was allowing her to I guess go back to normal as he grabbed the Queens arm and left the room along with many of the guests who were there to witness what they thought would be the crowning of a new Pharaoh only to have the old one return and now some heads were really going to roll. Looking to Abigail she signs to me that we will talk later. With a small nod I take my leave and walk out of the room.

Abigail's POV (Neferure)

Well at least the Pharaoh didn't kill anyone. That was a plus. Turning on my heel to leave the room I feel someone grab my arm and stop me and it didn't take a genius to know who it was. Ka. After all he was the only one left in the room but I had no idea what he wanted with me.

"What happened to you and the Pharaoh and I want to know the truth." Ka demands.

"We were left to die, just like the General planned now release me before I am the one that spills your blood." I warn him but he doesn't listen to my warning at all.

Instead he pulls me closer to his body as he removes the ridiculous looking what appeared to be a hat from his head. I really didn't understand what was happening but his grip was tighter then what I remembered. Ka through the headpiece to the side and held my face in his hands.

"You are going to listen to me and listen to me well woman or else I fear that Nahkt will be sent into the next battle and not yourself." Ka tells me and my jaw wants to drop to the ground.

"Threatening her wouldn't be a good idea, believe me I know from the past." An older more mature male voice calls out.

Looking behind Ka I am surprised and glad when I see Aro dressed in Egyptian clothing. How he seemed to know where I was I had no idea but I was more then happy to see him and to know that he had my back as well.

"Slave, what makes you think that you can weigh in during a private conversation?" Ka asks as he looks behind his shoulder at Aro.

"It's not exactly private, after all you are in a pretty public place so anyone could hear you really." Aro replied with a bit of attitude.

"What goes on between Neferure and myself is none of your concern so take your leave or I will take your head." Ka threatens as he releases my face and turns around to completely face Aro.

"Ka stop with your threats, after your little scene today I highly doubt the Pharaoh will take any of your council." Nahkt says as he walks into the room with an angry look upon his face.

Looking to Ka I could tell he knew what Nahkt was saying was true. After all he did try and steal the crown and the queen at the same time. Really not a good idea at all. Ka looked back to me and forced a kiss upon my lips and then took off back into the palace whispering something that I couldn't make out.

"That one doesn't know when to give up does he?" Aro asks with a chuckle as he continues walking right out of the room.

Within a few moments Nahkt was right before me and he took me in his arms and held me tight. Apparently, everyone really did think that the Pharaoh and I were dead, including Nahkt and probably Hannah as well. Yet here we were alive and well, against all the odds.

"Thank the gods you are alive and well." Nahkt said quickly then kissed me.

"Nahkt, I don't know what happened one minute I was fighting and the next everything was black, the pharaoh had to help nurse me back to health himself." I told him as we just held onto one another.

"Then I owe the Pharaoh far more than I thought. Your sister and I were so worried, everyone said you were dead including Ka and the General." Nahkt told me which didn't surprise me at all.

"Well here I am standing before you as proof that they were wrong." I reply as I embrace him tightly.

What we didn't know was in the shadows watching us was Ka, planning a desperate plan that he thought would not only get the Pharaoh's favor again but even to make me stay by his side forever.

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