Part 12

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Abigail's POV

Days had gone by and Hannah had tried to catch me up with the sorceress. Something told me we had to learn more about her and we did our best but the woman was a mystery. We had been so preoccupied with learning about the sorceress that we didn't know that Ka was putting his plan into action.

I had been summoned to her royal pain in the butts room. As if I didn't have enough drama to deal with of course I had to see the queen eye to eye which would put a stress on anyone. Entering her room I could see another woman was being dressed by the queen and her maidservants. Something told me I wasn't going to like whatever she was going to tell me.

"Ah Neferure, just in time to meet Nahkt's future wife, they marry today." The queen tells me with a sly smile.

So that's what Ka was using the queen for as well, he made sure that Nahkt was taken away from me. Clever man on Ka's part but really dumb broad move on the queens part proving that she could still be played by him. Holding in my feelings I walk up and bow to the queen. Looking to Nahkt's bride I am surprised to see she is a young girl about my age or younger and seemed very shy. This was a forced marriage that was easy to tell and I would not blame Nahkt or the girl. After all I couldn't stay here with Nahkt anyway no matter how much it hurt my heart to know that.

"You are a beautiful bride my lady." I tell the girl as I bow down to her.

"I am so afraid." The girl speaks softly and timidly to me.

"You have nothing to fear, Nahkt will take good care of you. I assure you nothing bad will happen to you." I tell her as I give a small smile which in turn makes her smile.

"Thank you Neferure. I will see you in the temple then?" she asks me.

Nodding I turn back to the queen and walk right beside her just long enough to pass a message.

"Karma is a bitch my queen." I tell her as our eyes meet for only a moment.

Before she has time to say anything else I walk out of the room closing the giant doors behind me and resting upon them. Laying my head back I sigh as I close my eyes. Making sure I do not shed any tears though, I do not want Ka or anyone he plays to know that he effects me.

"I heard your close friend is to be married." A deep voice surprises me.

Looking around I see Aro walking my way and it still takes me a minute to adjust my mind to him wearing Egyptian clothes instead of Roman.

"It's better this way, I can't get attached you know that Aro." I sigh.

"Yet you do every time don't you? Though I knew you had to leave I didn't want to let you go and I could tell a part of you wanted to stay as well. Not to bring up the past too much but maybe you need to find a time and just stay there." Aro says as he leans against the door beside me.

"You caught me, I've been through more times then I care to remember. Most of them though I was able to keep out of romance's eye. Until the American revolution that is. After that it was a down hill thing. Maybe this is my heart telling me I should stop or I don't even know arrow, I know after this I still have three other missions waiting for me on my desk. I can't abandon them." I say as I turn my head to look over at him.

"Then make that last mission on your desk your final one. Stay in that time, no matter where it is. Now I remember you telling me about the Sorceress the other day and I was able to find out a little piece of information." Aro says taking my arm and leading me down the hall. "She's like you, that is she isn't from this time and had the same knowledge of Egypt that you had of Rome when we were there."

"You think she could be another time traveler?" I question him.

"I don't know but I know she is powerful and you need to be careful also do your best to stay away from Ka, he has something planned for you and him and I fear to think what it is." Aro says as we stop and look out to the temple where the wedding will soon take place. "At least our wedding wasn't as large."

Chuckling I shake my head as I lean against Aro.

"No it wasn't, still didn't like killing that animal though." I complain only to hear him laugh as well.

A few hours later I stood at the steps to the temple. My feelings were not sure I could bare to watch the wedding but a part of me knew that I had to go and prove that I wouldn't let Ka's plan get to me. Just as I went to take the first step I felt someone lace their arm through mine. Turning to my left to see who it was it shouldn't have shocked me to see Ka smiling at me.

"Come my dear, it's rude to be late for a wedding." Ka said not giving me a choice but pulling me up the steps of the temple.

Wanting to push him away I waited until we got to the top but once we got there I saw Nahkt dressed in his wedding robes and the sight did take be aback which gave Ka just enough time to make another move I didn't see coming. Pulling me into his arms he then grabbed my head and kissed me with a fierce passion.

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