Part 9

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Abigail's POV (Neferure)

The past few days have been going very fast and distracting. Now that the soldiers had been trained the best that Aro could in such a short time, we were about to head into a battle that I did not have a good feeling about at all. Looking to the only other female allowed to go into battle and she looked like she had all the confidence in the world. This was something she was probably use to though, and I suppose that I should be as well but I just had this really bad feeling. Telia handed me the same wardrobe I wore when I first fought her. Needless to say this still barely covered anything, maybe a plus for fighting in the heat of the desert.

"Try not to speak to anyone, even Ka, they will just try to confuse you. You and I have one goal and that is to defend the Pharaoh. Let nothing else distract you." Telia tells me and I hide the gulp that couldn't help itself.

Nodding I take the clothes and slowly walk out of the main room and go to a place where I can change in some privacy. Taking off the long white dress that I was beginning to grow use to I put on the skirt and top. Trying to remember every bit of fighting training I could, I tried to pep myself. Knowing there would be many deaths and no matter what I did there was nothing I could do but fight back. The last piece of my wardrobe besides my weapons was the mask. Really I didn't know if I would have to wear it so I picked it up and held it in my hand before placing it on the top of my head.

"This is a battle the Pharaoh should not be riding into." A voice said in an angry manner.

Turning to look behind me I could see a group of men coming my way and I quickly hid behind a pillar making sure that I would not be seen. The men continued to walk until they stopped just a few feet before me. This was something I knew that I probably shouldn't be listening to but my curiosity was what made me stay and listen.

"The Pharaoh insists on going and no matter how many times I have tried to convince him the boy will not listen to reason." The man said and I peeked to see who it was.

Barely moving just enough so I could see the men, I wasn't really surprised to see it was the general and Ay were the ones having this little discussion. Were they really plotting something though? After all they had only said the Pharaoh shouldn't be riding into the battle which was something I sort of agreed with.

"Doesn't listen to reason or to you? Make sure all the proper plans are set and we shall continue with our plan. When we return, I shall make sure the Pharaoh is not with us." The General says and takes off with a huff.

My eyes widened as I turned my back against the pillar. They planned on either killing the Pharaoh or leaving him behind to be killed! What a bunch of back stabbers! Traitors and many other names that I can think of right now! Ay had walked off as well but neither of them knew that I had heard their little plan and I would find a way to stop it. There was no way that I would let the Pharaoh die or be left behind. Even if it meant my own life, after all it was my job to make sure history wasn't changed and King Tut did not die in battle!

Making my way back to where the other soldier and guards were I could see the Pharaoh standing beside his sister/ wife. I swear I will never get use to thinking that. On his other side was Ka though. I began to wonder though if Ka had a part in this little plan though, after all everyone could see the looks given between him and the Queen. That is anyone who was looking. Walking forward I follow in the same footsteps as Telia and I see that she has her mask on the top of her head just like mine. We both stop right before the throne and a new feeling inside me makes me look to the right to see Nahkt looking at me with immense fear in his eyes.

The Pharaoh began his speech to his people and though I know I should have been listening I really wasn't. I was occupied trying to come up with a plan on how to keep the Pharaoh alive and return him to the city that way. Taking in a deep breath I look away from Nahkt though I really don't want to. The Pharaoh leans in and kisses the Queen and I hold back from gagging with much great effort. Telia then moves forward and I follow her as though I have done this a million times before. Telia joins the General in his chariot and I join Ka who no stands behind me. I can even feel him put his hand on the small of my back and once again I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Within a few moments all the chariots take off as we ride off into battle and maybe even death.

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