Part 15

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Aro's POV

Sneaking into the palace was harder than I thought it would be but with Hannah's help and her skills that were very like the ones that Abigail had we made our way through the guards as though they were nothing. Nahkt had hidden his wife away as he led us to where Abigail and Ka were supposed to be. It wasn't hard to find them though, you could hear Abigail throwing things at Ka to make sure he kept his distance.

Going in a back way that Nahkt knew about so that we wouldn't be seen by the guard we wanted to hear to make sure Abigail had completed the ritual she was suppose to I watch as Hannah wraps her arm around Ka's neck and within a few moments he is passed out before the bed.

"It worked?" Abigail asked as she walked up to us in clothes that were nearly completely see through.

"Yes but you still have to complete the ritual and well Aro is still your husband and he can't be controlled by the queen." Hannah explains as Nahkt keeps an eye out for any guards we don't need.

"Oh, your right that would get us more time to figure out what my mother is up to." Abigail says as she now looks at me.

"Sorry to interrupt but more guards are heading this way and they won't be hearing...well you know." Nahkt explains.

Hannah takes Ka's body and hides it beside the bed where the guards will not see, after that she nods at both Abigail and I before taking Nahkt's hand and making a run out of the room. Back when I knew Abigail as Diana we had done this action before and now I would be doing the same action with her but more or less for a different reason. Abigail walked up to me and gently put her hand on my face.

"I am scared to death we will be caught but you are still my husband and I just couldn't bare the thought of being with Ka." She tells me as I can tells her nerves are bothering her.

"If we are caught then we kill them, simple as that." I say as I lean down and kiss her.

Holding her body close to mine as I led her to the bed brought back many memories in my head, ones I was hoping that she would remember as well.

Abigail's POV

After last night there was no doubt that any of the guards didn't think I slept with Ka. Aro helped put him into the bed beside me afterwards and of course he had to leave and it did hurt my heart to see him go. This time period has been nothing but a big mess. First I can't marry Nahkt although I did have feelings for him but now I knew what Aro said was right, I couldn't just go from time period to time period randomly falling in love. Maybe I did need to settle down. Just as I finish that thought the doors to the room open and four maids rush inside. One wakes up Ka who just shakes his head. Apparently he didn't remember what had happened and that was for the best. I was unclothed though so he thought he accomplished his mission. Smiling he rose from the bed and went to be dressed by one of the servants.

I was dressed as well in a long gown with a reed print on it though the servants could tell I was unhappy. Instead of following Ka around like a lovesick puppy though I decided to go to the library to talk to Hannah.

"You look horrible, think that won't cause and suspicion?" Hannah questions as she looks up from a scroll.

"I could care less at the moment, I just want to find out what my mother is up to." I sigh.

"I can tell you that, she wants you to become pregnant so you are forced to stay here in this time period with her." Hannah states matter of fact like.

"WHAT?!" I yell at Hannah.

"Don't worry it's not going to happen, Fred gave you our special shot remember?" Hannah laughs.

I freeze, the shot, the one that prevents us from becoming with child. I don't remember Fred ever giving that one to me. He had to of though...didn't he? Hannah seems to see how much I am worrying and he face goes into shock mode.

"He did give you the shot right?" Hannah asks.

"I don't remember honestly."

Hannah jumps up and makes her way through the stacks upon stacks of bookcases until she comes to a small fountain where she instead calls out to Fred.

"Good lord woman, what is making you so upset now?" Fred answers in a sleepy voice.

"Did you give Abigail her shot?" she asks with anger in her voice.

"Uh which shot, I give you guys a lot of shots depending on the time period." Fred replies.

"The let's not get my co worker pregnant shot you idiot!!!"

"Oh...that one." Fred says as we hear him shuffle through some papers. "Uh well...funny story but she left before I could give it to her."

Hannah looks me right in the eyes and panic is all over her face. I've technically could have become pregnant twice now...that isn't a good sign either that would mean my mother's plan would work and I would be stuck here in Ancient Egypt.

"Great...Fred do me a favor get a warrant for Abigail's mother and we need it by tonight, we are sending her to the time defense jail." Hannah sighs.

"She's banished, why would she need to go to jail?" Fred asks quickly.

"Because she and the queen and the crazy people controlling this!" Hannah sighs again.

"I can try but it will at least take a month, until then just pretend, play along with her plan that way she doesn't see it coming when we take her out of that time." Fred says then signs off.

"Great, you could be pregnant right now...and the father is either Nahkt or about two completely different people!" Hannah says as we walk out to the courtyard where we see a weird but familiar sight.

Ka and the Queen flirting with one another.

"Go ahead, it's your wifely duty to set him in his place." Hannah laughs as I roll my eyes.

"I don't want anything to do with him, every night he will try." I try to refrain from gagging.

"Then every night we knock him out and replace him with Aro...who is also your husband...yeah this is messed up."

Walking up to my so called Husband in Egypt that is Ka is surprised to see me. Apparently he didn't think that I would come out of our room.

"Ah the new wife, did you sleep well?" the queen asks and now its my turn for revenge.

Taking Ka's arm I carefully position myself in his embrace as I lean in so close our lips almost touch.

"My husband wouldn't let me sleep much last night at all, he felt the faster we could become together the better." I say placing a featherlight kiss on Ka's lips.

Ok, at this point I am trying to not burst out laughing because both of them are buying this and Ka is looking like he wants more of what he thought we had last night. The queen however just narrow's her eyes at me.

Two weeks we have been doing this crazy dance. Hannah would knock out Ka and Aro would replace him for a while, after that he would place Ka in the bed and leave. This was becoming very exhausting. Not to mention I think I was becoming sick but that wasn't the scariest part. Every time Aro and I were together in that sense I could feel myself falling back in love with him and almost begged him to stay a few times. The next morning though I took one look at Ka beside me and my stomach turned. I ran far from the bed with only a robe covering me as I went and became sick.

"It seems we may have a child sooner than I thought." Ka laughed as he stayed in bed.

Oh no...was I really pregnant? Why should I be shocked though? After all I was together with Aro...every night...for two weeks and I didn't have anything to prevent me from becoming pregnant. This was a stupid idea!

Time Jumpers -Ancient Egypt-On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara