Part 16

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Abigail's POV (Nefeure)

I have never been this sick in my life, it was hell and I was scared to death I knew why it was happening to me. Laying on a chaise beside the Nile River I tried to shut my eyes and hope what little was in my stomach would stay down there when I heard Fred.

"So...uh...Abigial I have some news and its from the boss too. Turns out even if you are pregnant you can deliver the baby and still work or stay there she left the choice up to you." Fred says nervously.

"Oh how kind of her." I reply sarcastically. "Any news on the warrant for my mother?"

"Not yet, probably at least another three weeks." Fred says as he sighs. "I do have more news though, remember how I said you might be pregnant, well judging by your data I would say you are...very early but you are and you may want to tell the real baby daddy."

"Did you really just say baby daddy?" I asked as I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well yeah, Aro has the right to know and according to new history data is turns out Nahkt's wife will be on the same track as in she is pregnant too." Fred tells me.

Great, he moved on fast...probably because ay was up his butt. Still I was actually happy for them, at least they didn't have to deal with all the trouble I would eventually have to deal with. Sighing I listen as Fred tells me about more data then signs off. Closing my eyes I try to fall asleep, as if that would work. I felt someone put their hand on my cheek and my eyes open automatically to see Aro and Hannah standing there.

"I thought you two might need to talk." Hannah suggested then walked off...yeah a lot of help she was.

Standing up I look Aro right in the eye making sure I wouldn't coward out of telling him.

"I think I am pregnant and it's yours." I say quickly as I begin to explain that I actually didn't mean for this to happen.

That I didn't think that missing only one shot would make it so I could actually become pregnant but as I barely finish the first sentence I feel Aro grab me and kiss me right on the lips. Closing my eyes I instinctively leaned into his kiss completely caught up in the moment and maybe just for a second it felt like I was in Rome with him in our house delivering the happy news he wanted to here when I was once there before.

"Of course the child is mine, what will happen though?" Aro asks as we looks at one another with our foreheads still placed against one another's.

"It means my mother's plan failed, even if I had to stay in a time you and I would both return to ancient Rome." I reply as I lean in and kiss him.

A few hours later Ka sat on our bed and didn't act interested in me at all tonight, thank god for that.

"You carry our child, so our plan is complete." Ka says strangely.

"What plan are you talking about?"

"The sorceress said having my child will force you to stay, the queen will want our child to raise it as her own, so they can be the next pharaoh." Ka confesses.

My whole body goes into defense mode as I stand from the bed. Ka looks over at me with tears in his eyes. Something was wrong and I had no idea how to fix it.

"I am so sorry Neferure they used me just as they used you." Ka says coming to my side of the bed and getting on his knees. "I lusted after you and now we won't even be able to raise our child."

That was the last straw, I grabbed Ka and helped him to stand up.

"You are going to help me then! We are going to get this sorceress and stop her. If we stop her then the queen cannot use you or me anymore." I tell him as he nods at me.

Going to Hannah's room I see her watch light up and she quickly goes over to it and opens the mail. Turns out we were just in time to get the warrant for my mother's arrest. Ka lead us through the palace to the sorceress's room what we didn't expect to see was her about to stab Aro with a red hot poker. Without a second though I quickly acted and kicked the poker out of my mother's hand.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I yell at my mother who looks at me completely shocked.

"You! Daughter! What are you doing here, I was about to end our little problem." My mother laughs as she looks at Aro.

"You can't kill the father of my child!" I scream at her as I run up and her and pulls her hair as well as getting her away from Aro.

"You fool!" she yells trying to pull away. "Ka is the father of your child."

"No, we actually knocked him out every night and Aro would sleep with her." Hannah states crossing her arm. "Your plan won't work anyway. We have a warrant for your arrest."

"I won't go down without a fight!" she yells out.

"Good." Abigail states as she stands off to her mother.

"Such a fighter, you take that trait after your worthless Greek father!" she yells and attacks Abigail who skillfully dodges her mother and puts her in an arm lock.

"Greek?" Ka asks as he looks at Hannah.

"I have no idea, just help me untie Aro." Hannah replies as I continue to fight my mother.

My mother was yelling and screaming as loud as she could as she fought me but it was useless since once Hannah and Ka got Aro down Hannah strapped a bracelet on my mother's arm and read her the rights and then transported her to the time jail. I wiped my brow as I looked at the group of people.

"Probably should have asked who my father was..." I say which earns a shrug from the group.

"Well now what? The queen will have our heads now." Ka says as he grabs his neck.

"Not if we inform the Pharaoh of what she has been up to." Hannah replies.

"Yeah because that will go over well." Aro states as he rubs his sore wrists but the minute he sees Abigail he runs to her and holds her close to him. "Are you alright? Did she injure you?"

"Cue overprotective dad mode." Hannah jokes as we make our way out of the horrible room.

We didn't know if the Pharaoh would believe us or not but I knew that we had to try and if it was possible we could use his help to make his wife confess. Ka wasn't too keen on the idea but at this point in time I just wanted him to tell the truth.

After we sort ourselves out mostly Aro we slowly made our way to the Throne room which was where the Pharaoh happened to be finishing a meeting with one of his true advisors that he knew he could trust. After her finished he acknowledged all of us with a weird smile almost as if to ask 'what in the world is going on?'

"My pharaoh, we have come to have an audience with you and you only." I tell him as he nods.

"Of course Neferure, do step forward. Guards allow no others inside until I give instructions." The pharaoh commands.

Standing from his throne he walks down the steps to us as well all bow.

"What is the mean of this?" the pharaoh asks in a calm and kinds voice.

"Forgive me my pharaoh but you have been lied to."

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