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Diana had grown and like Hannah had told Abigail when Diana was still a small child, she joined the team as her mother did before her. She was trained at the starting age of 12, just as the file Hannah had given Abigail said. Most agents didn't leave on their first mission solo or with their own team until the age of twenty, that way they at a minimum of at least 8 years' experience in training or the field.

Abigail had watched her daughter grow into a strong young woman, she even taught her all she knew about fighting in case one day she might need to know. Trying to think of all the adventures she went on before she was retired Abigail taught Diana as much as she could.

The first mission that Diana went on was a mock mission, Abigail went with her to test her skills and she passed with flying colors. Knowing that the closer to her twentieth birthday came, the closer it would be to her joining a team and leaving on her first mission without her mother. Still Abigail made sure that Diana knew if anything happened and that she might need her mother's help that she would be there. Nothing could keep Abigail away from her daughter especially in her time of need.

The day had finally come, Diana stood beside two other recruits much like how Abigail started. Diana was once again the only red head in the group. Her companions being Jessica, the brunette who reminded her a lot of Hannah and Anna, the blonde who had proven through her test scores she was a welcome distraction to almost any situation. Abigail stood beside her old boss as she took out the file that would be Diana's first mission.

"Each of you come from a long line of agents, some of you not even being born close to the same time period. However each of your skills have been tested and you have proven yourselves to be agent material. Diana, you are the leader, strong and wise like the romans that you come from. Jessica, you knowledge of history and science will be more than useful to your team. Anna, you style and common sense will help in aiding your team to camouflage into whatever time period you are sent to."

Diana watched her boss and her mother standing side by side and couldn't help but feel more proud to follow in her mother's footsteps.

"This mission will not be easy, it has to do with more of a ghost story than actual history but it is a good mission to start with. Ladies you are going to Sleepy Hollow, New York during the frightful time of the headless horseman. You will need to find and encourage Ichabod Crane and assist him in not only solving the Horseman's mystery but keeping the towns people safe. Jessica, you will be able to assist with his science the most so I suggest you gain his trust as fast as you can." The boss says while looking through the file.

"Yes boss, you can count of me." Jessica says with a kind smile.

"Diana, you will need to blind in as well as Anna and keep the townsfolk safe. Obviously the whole team knows how to defend themselves as well as others. This would be the mission to use said skills since you will be fighting against a being that is in fact already dead. Now, any questions before you are sent off?" the boss says looking up to the girls.

"Our background story boss?" Diana asks as she looks to her boss.

"Clever girl Diana, yes well Jessica is an assistant that Ichabod will just happen to run into. Diana and Anna you will be servants in the house where he will be staying I am trusting you two the most to keep the patrons of sleepy hollow with their heads." The boss says handing them each a file. "Your names are the same since we could easily go back and re write them in history. Follow your story and solve the crime. I will see you back here when the mission is complete."

The boss walks out of the room as the women begin to look through their files. Denise could see the clothing that they would have to wear as well as some of the manners of speaking they would have to add into their vocabulary.

"It will be fine, I have no doubt that this team can accomplish this mission. I should know, I put you all together." Abigail said walking forward to the girls. "Show no fear to the horseman nor the men of the town. You three are a force to be reckoned with."

The girls nodded with big smiles on their faces and walked out of the room just as the boss re entered.

"You will be watching them like a hawk won't you?" boss asks Abigail who turns to her with a grin on her face.

"Absolutely. If they need me I will be there too."

Time Jumpers -Ancient Egypt-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora