Author's Note

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Well guys the time has come! Abigail is "retired" but that doesn't mean that we wont see her in the new series that I have been working on for a long time. So those of you who like this series please continue to read the new series with Diana.

Much like her mother, Diana is stubborn and not willing to follow the rules...most of the time. Being raised in Ancient Rome she was raised with structure and discipline thanks to her father, Aro, and her mother, Abigail whom everyone in that time called "Diana".

Come along with Diana on her journey to Sleepy Hollow to help solve the mystery of "The Headless Horseman" and whoever now commands him.

It feels sad to say goodbye to Abigail because we have been with her through a lot but I just know the adventures with her daughter will be well worth the wait. The newest series of this series will be called "The Time Traveler's Daughter and the Mystery of the Headless Horseman". Hope you all give it a chance and if there are any questions that need answered, don't hesitate to message me. Thanks to everyone and see you soon!

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