Chapter 19

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5 years had passed and though I hadn't received any word from my boss something told me any missions I would have would be in the future when my children could be cared for without me. My first child had been born, a son we named Autolycus and he was just like his father. Our youngest was quite the surprise to us, we named her Diana since we had grown to love the name ourselves. Autolycus was busy teaching his little sister all that she needed to know as Aro went on about his own business. Love was still deep inside of him for me and knowing that made me truly content to stay in the time I was in.

"Miss...there is a strange woman here called Hannah she wishes to have a word with you." One of the helpers of the house told me as I watched the children.

"Hannah? You can allow her in, I know she will not cause any harm." I say as I stand from my seat and then just a few moments Hannah walks inside with a smile on her face.

"Rome seems to fit you. I found something that you are going to want to see." Hannah chuckled as she handed me a file folder.

Looking down and seeing the name "Diana" I had just assumed they had changed that to be my permanent name. I was wrong. Opening the file I began to read the dates that though they had not been inscribed yet, they were right there in my hands.

"My daughter?" I question as I look up at Hannah.

"She learns from you, I think he starting age of training is 12. Is this something you have decided upon or maybe this is the first you have thought of it?" Hannah questions as we begin to walk.

"She is but a child, neither of them really know about my past. They think I am from here I suppose but if she wanted the truth and maybe to one day join my old team...I would have no objections." I state really not sure what to say.

Diana was but a baby in my eyes and though on her record it did read that her age of consent was 12. It felt as though she would be going off to training tomorrow. Hannah seemed to sense that and nudged me in a friendly manner bringing my mind back to the here and now.

"Abigail, she is two right now. I am sure in ten years many things will change. Don't worry about it all I wanted to show you was her skill grade, it's the same as yours. She knows so many languages and her fighting skills are above par." Hannah says pointing out the skill sections in the file.

"Probably something she learned from both her father and I." I say with the roll of my eyes.

With that Aro entered the room and looked surprised when he too saw Hannah. Walking up to us he didn't hesitate to shake her hand and welcome her into our home. To be honest I wasn't sure if he even knew who Hannah was really besides what I had told him about her and the old pictures I had shown him.

"Aro, good to finally meet you and not be looking at a picture." Hannah commented as she laughed.

"What brings you to Ancient Rome? Have you come to take my wife on another mission?" Aro said as he hugged me close to his side.

"No, after much more consideration, the boss decided to put her on the permanently retired list. I did find another interesting file though from the future. Diana may decide to join the team." Hannah said handing Aro the file.

"My daughter? A time traveling agent? Is that possible?" Aro questioned as he looked through the file in his hands.

"Yes it is. If she does she will probably be trained by her own mother whom I would say is one of the best instructors in the world. You wont have a thing to worry about." Hannah said as she looked to Abigail. "I had better get going though, keep the file I have another copy to put back. I'm glad everything turned out great for you Abigail and I look forward to seeing your daughter in the future, if she decides to come."

With that, Hannah steps out onto the balcony and disappears from Ancient Rome. Turning to Aro I wasn't sure how he was taking the news that our future daughter may or may not turn out to be a time agent just like I was.

"Well, seems like strong women will continue to run through our family. I know if she does chose to be like you that you will teach her everything you know. Nothing will happen to her because nothing ever happened to you." Aro said confidently.

"Well I wouldn't say that, I broke a big rule with you. Now here I am in Ancient Rome, happily married and in love with a true family. I would say that is quite a big adventure wouldn't you?" I giggle as I look at Aro's shocked face.

"I meant she wouldn't get injured my love." Aro said as he pulled me into his arms and kissed my head. "I think my greatest adventure was falling in love with you too, and I have never regretted it." Aro smiles as we look out to our two children playing. "She will be just as strong as you."

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