Part 6

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Abigail's POV (Neferure)

I was scared half to death, I mean yes I had to deal with war before but these people were nuts. That also meant I would have to train with Ka more which was a chore in itself. Walking through the palace I can hear people talking about the war and how the Pharaoh should not be riding into battle and just trust it to the General. Shaking my head I feel someone grab my wrist and I am shocked to see Hannah with her first finger over her mouth signaling me to keep silent. Nodding I follow her as she takes me into the library.

"What is the world is going on?" I ask her as she releases my wrist.

"We have a rather large problem, there is a Roman here they just captured and after watching you in Ancient Rome I thought you may want to know this is the same time period but different location." Hannah say as she brings up a piece of paper to me.

"So they captured a Roman, what's the big deal?" I question her as I read through the paper.

"Abigail, the Roman is Aro. Your uh husband and they plan to execute him tomorrow morning." Hannah tells me and my body freezes.

Dropping the paper I turn around and run out of the door. I knew where they would keep the prisoners since I was really being trained to by the Pharaohs guard I had to know where to take someone if I captured them. Running as fast as I could through the halls I take a secret passage that Nahkt had told me about and quickly make my way to the cells. There three guards look at me confused. After showing the my amulet they do bow though, apparently I am a royal guard and a bit of a higher class then them.

"Take me to the Roman." I say with strict authority in my voice.

One of the men nod and start walking. The other two stay in place and I follow the first guard who was leading me to a cell. The dungeons as I would call them were very creepy, kind of reminded me of a tomb to be honest. Just then we stop in front of a cell door. The guard takes out a set of keys and opens the door allowing me to walk into the room.

"I'll call you when I am ready to leave." I tell the guard who nods and leaves shutting the door behind him.

"I thought I had to pray to my gods until tomorrow?" Aro's asked with a voice that sounded tired and defeated.

Walking up I can see he is kneeling in front of a small slit in the wall, I wouldn't even call it a window. He looks horrible dressed in rags and to be honest yeah he kinda smells too. Putting my hand on his shoulder he looks up at me and surprise and horror appear in his eyes. Well at least I know he remembers me.

"Diana? Oh by the gods, are you really here or is this just another dream?" Aro says turning my way and grabbing me by the waist and hugging me tight. "It feels real but I doubt my senses for I have dreamed this dream so many times."

Guilt plunged into my heart. He had dreamed of seeing me again even though he knew I had to leave. Why wasn't Fred able to tell me about any of this first though? Especially the part about him being captured. Aro looked up at me and I wanted to cry, I felt horrible as if all of this was somehow my fault.

"Aro, what happened? How did they capture you? I don't even remember you being part of any army." I question as I kneel down before him.

"I wasn't fighting anyone, I was in a country home where one of my friends lived, all the sudden these men they attacked and killed anyone they could, including my friends, my wife and their children." Aro said looking me right in the eye. "They knocked me out and took me somewhere that I honestly don't remember but when I woke up I was here, chained to a wall."

Looking at the chains and the marks on his body I tried to determine how long he might have been there but the light wasn't good enough and I could only guess. I couldn't let him die though, Aro was one of my friends and I just couldn't watch him be killed.

"You won't be killed, I will figure something out and I promise you will be free. I am sorry about your wife and friends though." I tell Aro as I try to comfort him by caressing his face.

"Diana, I never stopped loving you even though I re married it didn't mean anything, it was all political." Aro told me as he pulled me into a hug.

That I really could believe, Rome was all about politics. Though a part of me was curious to know what Aro told the others of Rome what happened to me. That was for another time though, I had to think of a lie and tell the Pharaoh that Aro had to stay alive.

"Were you ever trained to fight?" I ask and Aro raises his eye brow at me.

"Of course, I am Roman after all."

That's when an idea hit me, Aro knew the Roman style of fighting but the Egyptians didn't. If I could convince the Pharaoh that Aro would teach the other warriors to fight also in the Roman fighting style then maybe he would let Aro live. Giving Aro a long hug I smile as I look down at him.

"Fear not my friend, I have a plan." I say as I stand up about to leave the cell.

"Diana please be safe, I couldn't bare to see you die again." Aro tells me and knowing him something told me that the story he told the other Romans involved me dying and him burying me on his grounds so no one could find my "body".

"I will." I say quickly and then make my exit.

I had to find the Pharaoh and speak with him and hopefully he wasn't around all of the sucks ups that usually followed him around like a love sick puppy. Looking up I said a little prayer hoping that somehow the Pharaoh would agree and allow Aro to live.

Time Jumpers -Ancient Egypt-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang