Part 7

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Abigail's POV (Neferure)

Making my way to the throne room I saw others who were usually always with the Pharaoh walking past me, maybe that had just finished with a meeting or something like that. Lowering my head I walked into the throne room and bowed before the thrones. Looking back up I could see the Pharaoh smile down at me while Ka just rolled his eyes and the queen stood up and took her leave. Yeah her and I still didn't get along too well.

"My Pharaoh." I address him out of respect.

"Neferure, is there something bothering you? We leave in seven days and I need to know your head is in the right place." the Pharaoh says as he stands from his throne and walks my way.

"My Pharaoh I have an idea that may help us in the upcoming battle, the roman that we have in the cells he is a warrior knowing how to fight in the Roman style, perhaps if we release him then he will be able to teach our warriors what he knows." I tell him as I stand tall and confident watching him circle me.

"What makes you think he would listen? That he wouldn't run off the moment he got the chance?" The Pharaoh asked and it was a good question no doubting that.

"You could easily capture him again and then kill him but I think he may be more useful this way." I say honestly as Pharaoh stops right in front of me.

I can tell that he is considering what I told him and within a few moments there is a smile on his face. Would he really be willing to go with my idea or is he just going to kill Aro sooner now that I said something about him? Ka walks forward and bows to the Pharaoh before he looks back to me.

"Alright, Ka and Neferure I trust you both to watch the Roman like a hawk, if anything happens it will be your heads." the Pharaoh said as he turned and walks out of the throne room.

My head? Oh great I just manage to get myself into more trouble don't I? Ka rolls his eyes as he walks up a little bit closer to me, really this guy had no idea what personal space was and if he did well then he just flat out ignored it.

"Why did you save the Roman? Do you know him?" Ka questions as he eyes look into mine and I swear he is trying to see my soul.

"Once maybe, before I ever came to Egypt. He was a great warrior and anything he teaches us will be of great you, I can guarantee that." I tell him as I hold my ground.

Ka laughs as he takes a strand of my hair and tucks it behind my ear.

"Be careful little one. the guards talk about everything, including visits to cells." Ka chuckles as he now turns and walks away from me.

How in the world did he know that I had went down there? I mean it literally just happened right before I came into the throne room. News must really spread fast here. At least I knew that Aro would be safe now, when they would let him out I had no idea but I decided to go back to the cells and see what news was going on down there. Turning the corner where the cell that Aro was in was I could see the guards opening the door and taking off his chains.

"Take him to Ka, he will be the one to settle him into Egypt's lifestyle." one of the guards laugh and a cold chill goes down my spine.

Great, I now had to suck up to Ka in order to keep Aro safe. Why can't I just have an easy mission for once in my life?!

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