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What are you doing here Aaron" I hissed at him.  "Working. Well then what are you doing here? You became sexier I see." He said with an arrogant look plastered on his face. I wanted to shut his screwed up mouth but someone went ahead and did it for me.  "She's my personal assisstant. Any problem with that? I'm off work now so I'll tell you this as her man. Emily is my soon-to-be wife and I do not want you to be giving any unwanted comments to her. Any queries?" Drew walked over to me scowling at Aaron who looked surprise and intimidated.  "N-no President Tyree, excuse me." Aaron whimpered.  "Woots for you President Tyree and I present to you my ex Aaron Green" I said teasing at first but turned to a frown as I mentioned about my ex. 

He did not answer me. I looked up and he instantly pinned me to the door and smashed his lips on mine. Wheew that was instense? "Just be sure to keep a distance away from him. You're mine Emily. Mine" He sounded really possessive when he said that as his eyes showed as if they want to punch Aaron in the jaw. Hard.  "O-Okay. Lets erm just go for lunch" I held his hands and went to the nearby cafe to have lunch while he just followed me without say a word.  We went in to the restaurant and the waitress was batting her heavy eyelashes at Drew who completely ignored her. Hah rejected bitch.  "May I take your orders?" She asked looking Drew hopefully he will flirt with her but he didn't.  "Fish and chips set meal. I will have sprite as my drink" I interrupted her and she glared at me as if I'm some pest. 

"Excuse me, I do not want you to be glaring at my fiancée like that and I'll have the same as what my fiancée have ordered. Now leave" He snarled at that girl who looked hurt and embarrassed before she went away.  "You know what, I'll get someone to shift your table, chair and all the stuff into my office. You'll work in my office. Its easier for me to communicate with you too" He demanded changing the topic while chewing and boring his piercing greyish blue eyes into mine.  " Drew, you do know that I'm not six or any younger right? I'm nineteen. Look Aaron is my past and you are my present and future okay? " I argued holding his hands. He turned away and said "I bet you have said that to that Aaron too"  Thats it.

"What the hell Drew? I am not a whore who goes goo goo over just any guy. You are my fiance and please respect who I am. You are the first one that makes me think like that. Stop it with the Drew thing. He was a mistake so please don't make me think that you are a mistake too." I scowled at him.  "Look sweetheart, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry okay? Its just... I don't know I feel insecure and" he mumbled this "a little jealous" damn I just can't be mad at him for long... hes so cute.  Control Emily Control. "Fine then what do you want me to do?" I asked with my head held high.  "Come and work in my office."

And never ever ever EVER talk to that Aaron guy preferable even if its work related" He said  "Okay. I promise, so can you please smile for me? I don't like it when your face shows a frown Drew bear" I teased and he smiled.  So he practically moved everything in my office into his ginormous office that is twice the size of my living room. Its like completely empty other than his own table and my table. 

"Good. Now I can work in peace" He sighed in relief. What he can't work in peace without worrying about me? How sweet. Lets just keep that to myself, I think I'm falling for him.He worked and worked occasionally asking me to refill his cup with coffee. Its five in the evening already, about time to go home."President Tyree, I am done with my work and its time for me to leave. Do you want another cup of coffee before I leave or are you done with your work already?" I asked.

"No its fine. I'm about to finish this work in maybe five minutes. Why not you take a seat, I'll drive you home later" He said, his gaze never leaving the screen."Okay" I replied and sat down. Wow this room is really huge now that I take a better look at it. My sight eventually landed on Drew. His hazel black hair is as messy as usual and he sure look smart in his specs emphasizing on his eyes and skin tone."Done checking me out sweetheart?" He smirked."Uh... no I er... yeah" I stuttered. STUPID STUPID HOW DUMB WAS I."Okay then lets go." He said as we left the company.

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