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Emily's POV 

*2weeks later*

Did I make the hints clear enough... I mean he just asks me to say that I will marry him, its like me proposing to him. I'm a woman and as a woman, we have a basic ideals. To have a man to propose to us. Not the other way round. Whats more... its been 2 weeks with no news at all... 

I wonder if he got the hint... 

Drew's POV 

Alright Drew! Don't screw this up. A bouquet of roses and a ring.  I got this all planned over the past 2 weeks and am making all of this fall in place today.  I took out my phone and called my mom. 
D: Mom 
M: hey son 
D: Mom I need a favor. 
M: yeah?  D: I will be sending you a ticket and a letter can you please place them both on Celestia's bed? 
M: oh sure son. 
D: And Mom? 
M: yes?
D: You will be getting both a grandchild and a daughter-in-law. 

With that my mom squealed in excitement and I hung up. I wish this will work. I called Eric and told him that I want to marry Emily as well as a favor from him. He gave me a 15 minutes long lecture that if I hurt Emily , he will make sure I will never be able to reproduce again. Its a major issue yeah. No joke. 
Immediately, I went into my company office and turned on my computer to try my luck and find some of the photos of Emily and I. I wonder if the me in the past have saved them into his computer. 

This is it. Before Anyone Else. Alrighty.  I clicked into the file and found tons of both Emily and my photos. Wow, so we went overseas together.  Whoa wait whats this.  Emily in my office on a bending down position collecting files!? SINCE WHEN WAS I A BLOODY DESPERATE PERVERT!?  Lets not include this in. Ahem. Exclusively for me. 

I appointed a videography crew over and discussed about the plan I had in mind. It was quickly settled. We found the venue and filmed the video. Then, I called my manager in and asked him to prepare an Armani suit in black and a red tie.  Looking at the time, it was already 7pm. I went to take a bath in the bathroom that was located in my office. Surprise surprise. This is why hardly anybody see me coming out of my office.  Alright.

The suit arrived and I changed into it. Tightening my red tie, I looked into the mirror. Who am I during the period when Emily and I am a couple. I want to remember it. But every single time I try to, it all turns out to a huge headache.  Its okay. We can create new memories together. Now that we both have our baby coming along. She's all mine and I'm all hers. 

Emily's POV 

I saw Drew's mom sneaking around the house creepily. She went into my room and came out 5 seconds later. Is she searching for me or something? 
"Um... Mom?" I called out to her.  "Heeee!! Oh. Um y-yeah?" She gasped and forced a smile. This is suspicious.  "Not to be rude or anything but, what are you doing?" I asked. 

"N-nothing. I uh think I should go you know. Oh and GO INTO your ROOM and maybe rest ON THE BED yeah! Hahahaha!!" She smiled and emphasised on certain words. Thats funny.  I walked into my room and saw a ticket. Whats this? A letter? I took it and it said "Babe,  Put on a red dress and go to the theatre stated on the ticket. I'm sorry but I can't be there so I asked Eric to go with you. I trust you and I'm sorry about what I said today but I'm preparing for it.    Have fun today."

~ Love, Your future husband.❤️

Smiling at how he said future husband, I am really estatic.  I looked at the ticket and it said the movie was at 7.45pm. Its already 6.50! Oh dear oh dear. I quickly went to bath and put on a red dress. I wonder why a specific color but whatever! Dabbing on some makeup, I took my phone, wallet and the ticket with me.  "Mom! I'm going out!!" I informed. I heard a fade 'okay' from her. Taking the car keys, I took off to watch the movie.  Reaching the place, I texted Eric and he said he will be late, asking me to go into the theatre first and so I did. 

The me who have gotten a bit fatter recently from all the food I down, have quite the trouble walking through the seats but weird, only my row has no people...  Getting comfy on the seat, I started at the movie screen as it continuously played advertisement after advertisement. Then, after Big Hero 6's advertisement went by, a slow song played on the screen. 

Whats this...? 


Looking at the photos that played on screen, all the memories came back. I teared up.  "Emily , my sweetheart."  I turned and saw Drew, with his hair all gel-ed up , wearing an Armani suit with a red tie that matched my red dress. My hands instinctively went to my mouth and stifle a sob. 

Hes proposing to me...  I tried to walk but...  "Drew...!" I called.  "Yes babe?" He responded. Everyone's attention was on us right now. And i'm too fat to wobble through the seats.  "Its hard to get over there babe..." I looked at him. He chuckled as everyone giggled.  "This woman here, is carrying our child. The woman whom I love and who have never given up on me even though I lost all my memories about us. I presume, I have proposed to you once, but I'll do it all over again, this time, a hundred times better than before. " Drew said and walked through the seats. 

"Emily , I have fallen for you all over again for many many times over the days we spent, arguing or talking peacefully. I don't know why and how could I love you so much even though I have absolutely no memories of you and I in the past. But everytime I touch you, or the things you do and cook, it all seems so familiar to me. I love you. Would you spent the rest of your life making me fall for you over and over again, make me the happiest man Emily . Will you marry me?" He held out a bouquet of roses that he hid behind his back. 

I don't know what else to say other than "yes Drew. A trillion times yes!" I said and he hugged me tightly. The people that were present in the theatre applauded.  "You know babe, normally people say 'a million times yes' " Drew playfully whispered into my ears.  "Oh shut up you... " I blused furiously hitting his chest, making him chuckle again.  We quickly sat back down on our seats. Throughout the movie, Drew held my hand as we gave each other glances. I really don't know why we are in this movie theatre anymore. I'm not focused on the movie!!hahahaha!!  Oh dear. This man is my official fiance.

The man of my life.

It sounds good.

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