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Emily's POV 

3 words, 8 letters, I love you. When Drew said this, it kept ringing in my head. Reece left after Drew's "speech", which I'm really grateful for.  Drew looked at me with so much pain. I looked back at him. Anger rised within me I don't even know why.  "What do you want exactly Drew? First y-you say you like me and then the next moment you are kissing another girl to make me jealous and then afterwards you bring this crazy girl to OUR house and allowed her to accuse me for such an act. Worse of all you of all people, b-believed her.

And and then you both kissed and now you are saying that you love me!? Bullshit Drew I don't want to take that crap from you anymore. I'm really tired of this..." I sobbed and cried and hit him on the chest for making me feel this way.  My head was still on his chest while bawling my guts out then, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist, the pair of strong arms that I was familiar with. 

"I'm sorry baby, maybe we should just break up... Its me who screwed up." He mumbled, he rested his head my neck, taking a breath in and he continued " its okay, you can leave now".  He wants to break up. I was stunned by his words. So he doesn't want me anymore? I felt tears welling up, but still kept a straight face. "Okay." was all I said before going up to our room before crying the hell out while packing.

He wants me to leave.  I gathered everything and zip up my luggage. I looked around the last time before leaving the room.  I walked down the stairs and found nobody there.  "Goodbye" I said as a tear rolled down my cheeks. I opened the door and left this place I once called home. 

Drew's POV 

I kneeled down behind the kitchen wall hiding, not wanting Emily see me in my pathetic state. I cried so much and heard Emily mumbled a goodbye. I peeped to get a final glance and saw teardrops flowing down her beautiful cheeks. How much do I want to go and hug her, tell her I'm sorry and shower her with kisses. I love her too damn much but its for her own good. She deserves someone better than me. I need alchohol. I thought and went to open a bottle of whiskey, drowning my sorrows before blacking out on the couch. 

Next Morning
I groaned as I sat up with a huge motherfuckin headache. "Emily , can you please bring me a cup of water?" I said. Then a sudden realization hit me. Emily left. This was such a great impact I started crying again, worsening my headache.  I heard the sound of keys. Is it Emily !? I wobbled my way to the door like a penguin.  "WE ARE HOME!" Mom and dad said. Its just them huh. 

My headache came back to me again.  They both looked at me like I'm some caveman who intruded their house.  "What happened Drew oh my god why are you in such a..." My mother said before I cut her off.  "Emily left" I said and wobbled my way back to the couch pouring some more whiskey into the cup.  "STOP. How long have you been drinking!?" Dad came in and said sternly.  "Since yesterday" I groaned and down the cup of whiskey as it burn my throat.  Before I knew it, the coffee table went flying. I stood up shocked and looked and my father.  "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN EMILY LEFT AND YOU ARE STILL SITTING YOUR FKING BUTT ON THE COUCH INSTEAD OF RUNNING AFTER HER!?" my dad roared, filling the living room with his sound.  My head throbbed at the loud voice before lying myself down on the couch.

"I asked her to leave. She don't deserve someone as pathetic as me. That day Carly came and asked for a stayover. She has this crush on me and I didn't want the company to suffer so I allowed her to stay at our house and be a jerk by introducing Emily as my sister. She understood the situation and forgave me. But then Carly accused Emily for harming her and I stupidly shouted at Emily . Then Carly kissed me without my permission and Emily saw." I said recalling what happened and tears streamed down again. 

"Oh my poor baby" My mother said and kneeled down beside me.  " You're stupid and retarded" was all my father said  "I know" I mumbled and he left the room.  I looked at the mess of the cup and the whiskey and the cans of beer. If Celestia was here, I'd get an earful. I thought and smiled to myself as I think of her pouting face. 

I stopped drinking and started to immerse myself fully on work. Working myself from day to night, distracting myself from thinking about Emily .  I went back home after finishing the contract with another company.  Once I reached home, papers, cans, was all over the place. Time to clean up huh.  I started throwing rubbish into a trash bag and found a picture of Emily and I on the ground. I dumped it into the bag as well. After tidying up. I went to the washroom to wash up.  I saw her toothbrush, i dumped it in. When I'm sleeping, i felt cold without her presence. When I'm home, I wanted her to be there to welcome me. Damn it Drew . 

I want her back... 

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