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Bella walked back into Rikki's office, followed by none other than Nash. Everyone quietly stared as he walked in, except for Rikki who looked away almost immediately, as she was sitting on her desk.
"Okay, so let's do this!" Cleo broke the silence. "You need to-"
Nash cut her off. "Bella already explained me what to do." He said.
"Okay then," Cleo said and backed off, allowing Nash to get closer to the jar.
"What do you even need this for?" He asked, everyone exchanged looks. "What is it?"
"Well, Sophie..." Bella stuttered. "She's got powers."
Nash raised one eyebrow. "How did that happened?"
"I was wondering the same thing," Rikki faked a smile and looked away.
"Ah, now this is my fault too?" He said.
Rikki turned back to face him. "It didn't seem like you were too surprised to hear about that,"
"What is deal with me Rikki? Why are you so passionate about accusing me?" He said a bit louder and angrier, and walked closer to her.
"I don't know, maybe because it's your fault?" She said.
"I had nothing to do with this and you know it, you just like hating me since I dumped you!" He yelled.
"Excuse me? I don't remember we got back together after I dumped YOU for thinking you could be like us!" She yelled back.
"Well I AM like you, like it or not! And I don't need your or anyone else's permission!" He yelled again.
"GUYS!" Bella jumped in between them. They both like saying more but decided to back off and get away from each other. "Let's just get back to the potion." Bella added and pulled Nash towards the jar.
He stood above it and closed his eyes. He raised his hand above the jar, and froze. For about 45 seconds nothing happened. No one was talking, or breathing. The energy in the room was starting to build up slowly.
"Yeah, um, hello? Can we do this today?" Rikki said tartly.
"He's focusing!" Bella said, and she stood to his left.
Rikki rolled her eyes as everyone watched closely as the jar, which started shaking. In a matter of second, the har was filled with green, blue and pink, moving the ingredients in waves of lights, like the northern lights. Nash twisted his fist tighter and the entire mix was blended into a light green clear liquid.
Nash opened his eyes, and pulled back his hand. "There, good luck." He said and walked out. Bella quickly ran after him.


Later, in Will's boat shed, were Will, Nash and Bella, eating sushi on Will's couch, watching TV.
"Don't mind Rikki," Will said, staring at the screen. "She can be a little rough sometimes.
"Yeah," Bella joined. "I bet she didn't mean what she said." She added with her natural positivity.
"She can really be a pain in the tail," He said, taking a bite out of his egg roll.
Bella laughed. "Well, that was pretty amazing what you did back there."
Nash was about to answer as his phone vibrated. He took it out and opened the new email he just received.
"Guys!" He called. "I got into the program!" He said happily.
"What program?" Will asked.
"A music scholarship! In Seattle! Congratulations!" Bella jumped.
"Seattle? Woah woah, when are you leaving?" Will said.
"In a mouth," Nash answered. "But it's only for a year, I'd be back before you'd know it."
Nash jumped up of the couch. "I have to tell my parents! Talk to you later?" He said before running out of the door.
"Sure, good luck." Bella said.


"Any idea how we use it?" Emma said and closed the jar, and placed it on Rikki's desk.
"No clue, but I bet Lewis' stupid book says something about it." Rikki said, still thoughtful about her collision with Nash earlier.
"What is it Rikki?" Emma said. "Don't let him bother you," She said.
"Yeah, you're much better than him." Cleo added.
"It's not it," Rikki said, then quickly changed the topic. "Forget about it."
"Come on, spill it, that's what friends are for," Emma said.
"I'm not that good at describing how I feel." Rikki said, yet her friends looked at her, in a way she knew they won't let it go. She sighed. "Well, I... I feel like I should hate him- I mean, I do. I do hate. I hate him with every particle in my body. I hate every thought of him, every letter of his name, every word that comes out of his mouth. I truly, madly, deeply hate him."
The two still looked at her. "But?" Cleo said.
"But I can't get him out of my mind. I mean, at first I thought I was just thinking of how stupid he is, but I'm not. I'm thinking about how dreamy he is, about how I want to kiss his lips, and I don't want to want that," Her eyes became wet, "I don't, but it's like what happened today, it got worst and I hate myself for feeling like this." She said and dried her eyes with the edge of her shirt. She lifted up the small jar and looked into it, hurried to change the subject. "Anyway I really hope this is gonna work."

"Will why are we here?" Sophie asked as Will pulled her arm.
"I wanted to show you something!" He said as they walked down the stone stairs into the cave.
"I told you! This place means nothing for me anymore," She said as she untangled herself from him.
"But, that's the place you've transformed," He stared at her.
"So? I don't need it anymore, I've got a few investors coming to see me on Friday morning, and once they'll see my tail we're gonna be fixed for life!"
"It's not that simple-" Will started saying but was cut by a voice from behind.
"No, she's right, it is that simple." Rikki said as the four girls rose from the water of the moon pool. Cleo reached with her hand and quickly pulled Sophie in before she could resist. Sophie slipped in and grew her tail in a matter of seconds.
"What!? What are you doing?" She asked in panic and confusion.
Rikki pulled out a small glass bottle filled with the potion, and spilled it into the water. Cleo used her power to move the potion, turning it into a wind of green particles that floated around Sophie's body in a circle.
"Will now!" Emma called.
"Sorry sister," Will said and pulled out the box with the three crystals that Nash found. He placed them into the special holes and bright moonlight filled up the cave.
A second after the three other girls raised their hands and focused their energy on the green potion. The green particles surrounded the red-headed women blended together and turned into a bubble of green light that covered Sophie completely. The girls covered their eyes as the light became too bright to look at.
"Will help me!" Sophie called, yet Will stood still. A couple of second later the bubble exploded in a flash of bright light, the crystals were drained and the moonlight slowly died out. The girls put down their arms and swam to help Sophie float. Will grabbed her by her arms and pulled soaked Sophie out of the water. "You know we had to do it." He said

"I'll go tell Nash it worked." Bella said in excitement, before she noticed Rikki rolled her eyes at her.
Bella sighed. "If it makes you feel any better, by this time next mouth he'll be gone." She said and swam out into the ocean.


"Evelyn, you know I love you, right?" Nash said as he sat by Evelyn on her backyard.
"Sure I do, and I love you too. Is everything alright?" She answered.
"I got the scholarship," He said, half excited.
"That's fantastic! I'm so proud of you!" She hugged him.
"Yeah, but, that means I'm leaving. Next month."
"But we can have a long distance relationship, can't we?" She said, with her big brown eyes wide open.
"I didn't tell anyone this, but I'm not sure I'll come back," He said. "It's what I always wanted, Evelyn. To do music. And now I get this opportunity... I want to work hard and put myself into this, and you'll have school and homecoming, prom, your friends... Look, texting or talking thought the computer screen is not the same as being with the person, and I don't think I could stand missing you so much."
Evelyn slowly laid on his chest and looked up to the stars. "I wonder what your new life would be like," She said.
"It definitely won't be like this." He said and grabbed her hand.
"Or this," She said. "You're still here but it feels like you're already gone." She said and closed her eyes.
"I know... All I can think of is how sad I'm gonna be when I'll leave. Sorry it had to be like this." He said.
"It's not your fault." She said, her eyes still closed.
"Still sorry." He said and kissed her forehead.
"Could you be right, and we'll lose touch when you'll be away?" She said.
"I'm afraid so," He said, his fingers through her long brown hair.
"So we're breaking up." She finally said.
After a moment of silence he finally said, "I'm really gonna miss you."
"Me too."

H2O: Just Add Water | Season 4Where stories live. Discover now