Chapter 21- The Selection

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The morning after the Beauxbatons and Durmstrangs came, V went down to the great hall to get a coffee but was amused to find Fred, George and Lee gathered outside the age line around the cup. There were a crowd of people watching and a few brave students putting their name in the cup.

After V grabbed her daily coffee, she went over to them.

"What on earth are you lot doing?" V asked.

"Well V, we're entering the Triwizard Tournament." Fred stated grinning broadly as she quirked an eyebrow.


"You see, we have this excellent aging potions that will get us past the age line." George said with a twinkle in his eye.

V let out a sigh as he said this, she was definitely going to fail mentioning walking past the hospital wing earlier and seeing a few students with beards due to their attempts of entering with an aging potion. She held back her giggles as she said, "Good luck."

"I'm not sure if this is going to work, you know. I'm sure Dumbledore will have thought of this." Hermione then said.

V was surprised to see her sitting on a bench with Harry and Ron amongst the crowd watching the twins eagerly. V's stare went cold at the sight of Harry but she tried to ignore him. The twins ignored Hermione the same way she ignored Harry and pulled out their parchment.

V then sat next to Hermione who was alone and quietly said to her so that no one would hear, "You're right, Dumbledore has thought of this and there are a couple of bearded students in the hospital wing now."

Hermione seemed to find it really hard to hold back her giggles too as Fred jumped the age line first, looking triumphant when he had slipped his parchment in and stepped back out.

V rose her eyebrows as George did the same but the triumph did not last for long as the twins were suddenly thrown out of the age circle along with their parchment. V suddenly panicked and rushed over to them to make sure they were alright only to be attacked by a fit of giggles.

Both of them had sprouted identical, long white beards which were the consequence of the aging potion. V tried to get up to help them but she was laughing so hard at the sight of them. Lee had come over too but he was in the same state as V. The twins laughed along as well, even when Dumbledore came in looking very amused.

"I did warn you, I suggest you both go up to Madam Pomfrey. She is already tending to Miss Fawcett of Ravenclaw and Mr Summers of Hufflepuff, both of whom decided to age themselves up a little too. Though I must say, neither of their beards is anything like as fine as yours."

"Well come on then." V said helping George up while Lee attempted to help Fred up but struggled as he was still laughing so hard.

"You know," V began as they finally got a move on to the hospital wing, "I passed the hospital wing on the way here and I saw those two students with the beards. When you said you were going to take the ageing potion, I couldn't bring myself to stop you because-" V started laughing again "-because I thought the idea of you with a beard would be hilarious and I needed a good laugh."

"Well thanks, Mia." George said sarcastically but sure enough they arrived at the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey let out a moan at the sight of the twins.

"Not you boys as well!" Madam Pomfrey shrieked dragging them both to their beds and giving them some concoction that she had already mixed up.

Reluctantly, she allowed V and Lee to stay in the hospital wing as the twins took disgusted sips of the anti-aging potion.

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