Chapter 25- Trouble in Potions

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V's friends were confused for why V was so upset. Sure there was no way in hell she would let anything affect her learning but they found that she wasn't following through with her usual habits like getting up early for morning walks or regularly tidying up after herself.

Now Flora and Hestia were forced to wake her up in the morning so that she wouldn't sleep into her first class and while doing this they found piles of tissue's surrounding her bed. Instead of having a sleek pony tail or a simple plait like she'd normally have, she started to give up on tying it up, it also appeared that she gave up on brushing it too.

But even with her mess of an appearance and a look of someone with a cold she still somehow became one of the most desirable girls to ask to the yule ball beside Fleur Delacour and a pretty fifth year Ravenclaw called Cho Chang. V at first was confused by this despite her friends reassuring her that she was quite attractive but she then got the idea that everyone wanted the thrill of taking a mass murderers daughter to a ball to appear 'edgy.'

V was walking to the Great hall after she just turned down a Gryffindor boy called Cormac McLaggen while the Carrow twins pestered her for doing so.

"Why didn't you say yes to him?" Hestia hissed at her.

"Why should I?" V asked back.

"Cause he's hot." Flora replied and V let out a sigh.

"I don't want to go with a guy because he's hot, I want to go with someone who's genuine and caring and someone who actually knows me as me, not Sirius Black's daughter." V said rubbing her temple stressfully.

"If you say so but you've got to say yes to someone or there will be no one left." Flora advised.

"Well it's not like you've already decided who you're going with after only a weeks' notice." V said rolling her eyes.

"Well, as a matter of fact I have." Flora said with a superior sort of tone.

Hestia and V gazed at her in disbelief while Flora struggled to keep a straight face. "Who?" Hestia and V asked at the same time.

Flora suddenly flushed while Hestia smirked at her twin nudging her shoulder. "Come on, tell us, is it that Cedric Diggory or something horrendous like Neville Longbottom?" Hestia pestered.

"No, I'm going with Adrian." Flora muttered and both Hestia and V gasped.

"Adrian!?" V cried while Hestia laughed her head off.

"There's nothing wrong with that!" Flora retorted defensively.

"Don't worry, there isn't it's just- er- surprising." V said sweetly.

She said this pretending to be overjoyed for her friend however it was hard especially knowing that Adrian had asked her only a few days ago. V obviously rejected him (as kindly as possible) however it was odd how quickly he moved on to his next friend.

"You're not mad about it are you?" Flora then randomly asked causing V to crease her eyebrows together.

"Mad? Why would I be mad?" She asked.

"Oh well, I know he liked you quite a bit last year and you guys did date a bit didn't you? Well of course you never talked about it but still..." Flora explained while V shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't worry about, he's my friend and that's how we felt comfortable in the end, as friends. I have no hard feelings whatsoever." V replied and Flora suddenly breathed easy again.

V then looked over to Hestia as they sat at the Slytherin table for breakfast. She seemed a bit disorientated and looked slightly awkward for the first time. "You alright, Hestia?" V asked taking a bite out of her toast then putting it back down.

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