Chapter 58- Dancing with Death

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Bellatrix's playful look switched to a murderous one in a matter of seconds. V almost started to regret her actions. As soon as Bellatrix regained herself, she outstretched her wand towards V and let out a frenzied scream like nothing V had witnessed before. The woman was another level of crazy V wasn't prepared for.

"You little brat!" Bellatrix spat. "You've got more of your filthy bloodtraitor mother in you than I thought!"

V dived behind the brain tank as Bellatrix threw a hex her way. Bellatrix began chasing her round the brain tank, while V ran for her life, trying her best to block her advancements with protection spells. Occasionally Bellatrix's hex's would hit the glass of the brain tank, which must have been made of enchanted glass as the hex would rebound of the glass and bounce around the room. V screamed in genuine terror as hex's flew everywhere and desks caught on fire. She had never seen such a violent display of magic. 

After losing stanima from the constant running in literal circles, she quickly dove under a desk that wasn't on fire, and watched as Bellatrix kept on running in circles. V then noticed a door only a few meters away from where she was hiding. V had no idea what was on the other side of the door, but she knew she needed to get away from Bellatrix. 

Bellatrix soon realised that V wasn't running anymore and she stopped very suddenly in her tracks when she did.

"Come on out you little bitch!" Bellatrix called. V had to do something.

V peaked out from underneath the desk and saw Bellatrix was indeed looking under desks, looking for V. 

"Rictusempra!" V cried, successfully hitting Bellatrix when she wasn't looking. 

Bellatrix fell into a fit of hysterical laughter. V wasn't too sure why the only spell she could think of using on Bellatrix was the tickling charm, but it seemed to be doing the trick. V quickly made a dash for the door, however Bellatrix wasn't giving up on V that easily.

"Incendio!" Bellatrix cried, and before V could even fathom what Bellatrix ad said, V's legs caught on fire and she began to scream like she never had before. In this moment she wished she had used a charm a little more powerful than a tickling one.

The pain she felt was like nothing she had felt before and she immediately dropped to the floor, kicking and screaming in a hysterical fashion. Bellatrix continued to laugh hysterically in the background, but V barely noticed seeing as she was being engulfed by flames.

A door on the other side of the room opened and in poured the twins, Ginny, Luna and Ron. They all had a mixture of confusion and terror when they looked upon the scene they had walked in on.

"George!" V cried as she continued to feel her skin burn. "Aguamenti!" She yelled at him.

George wasted no more time and quickly conjured a wave of water which over washed V. She gasped audibly at this while the others shot hexes at Bellatrix who still wet on laughing. George quickly helped V out of the room and into another one, away from Bellatrix. V was in too much shock to say or do anything, except breathe short, sharp breaths of panic. 

The next room he had dragged her into was full of benches and he quickly lay her between to benches, hiding her from the action. 

"Say something, please." George said as V's breathing began to slowly calm down.

V looked at him, grabbing him by his shirt and looking at him as she fought back the urge to cry. "Don't ever leave me alone like that again." 

Sirius came running over to them out of nowhere, ordering George to step aside. "V, tell me what happened to you!" Sirius began as he scanned over her darkened clothes that had frayed over the edges and the dark soot that covered her pale skin. 

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