Chapter 6

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Time skip

Sophia sits obidiently on the bed wrapped in nothing but a towel as she waits for the giantess servant to dress her. Thank goodness Drake wasn't a complete beast. He had left shortly after changing. A giantess gently removes the towel and pulls a dress over Sophia's head. Sophia looks it over surprised at how pretty it is. The navy blue fabric fits tightly around her chest then splits into two pieces at the waist revealing a clean white strip of cloth in the middle. Very pretty. The giantess leaves and Sophia is left alone. She spins and listens to the dress swish around her but then antoher sound startles the tiny beauty.

Drake sighs in contentment as he watches his small prize enjoy herself but is quiet when she turns to him abruptly. Fear once again fills her face and he once again feels a slight pain of guilt at her discomfort. But it is soon replaced by the joy of knowing that she is his to do with whatever he wants. He steps forward and promptly plucks her off of his covers.
"Put me down!" She screams. Drake just smiles at her.
"Alright princess." And with that he drops her in his vest pocket where her screams are soon muffled.
      He pats it with his strong hand causing her to fall against his chest with a smack. "Let me out!" She screams but her efforts are useless. She can do nothing against him. Sophia gives up and curles up in the corner of his pocket hoping to be let out soon.

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