Chapter 11

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When Sophie wakes up, she realizes that shes no longer on Drake's stomach. Instead, she finds herself in the crook of his neck. She feels his heartbeat and almost finds it comforting. She gently runs her hand over his skin and feels a strange tug at her heart. 

"No, no, no! I wont fall for... ugh I don't even want to say it." She mumbles to herself.

Just then Drake begins to stir from his sleep. Sophie tries to wrap her small arms around his neck as he sits up. She slips but, to her surprise lands on his hand.

"Wouldn't want you to fall and get hurt." He smiles down at her and sets her gently on the bed.

"Th.. thank you." She stutters.

Drake slowly gets up and reaches for Sophie. His fingers wrap around her small body. Sophie feels the warmth radiating from him against her skin and allows herself to be cradled against his chest as he moves over to his desk. He deposits her on the messy desks and slips behind the screen to change. Sophia takes up wandering among the random items that are strewn about the desk. 

Derek peeks out from behind the screen and watches his little prize winding her way through the mess of his desk. He watches the perfection of her willowy form as she moves. She is perfect. He thinks to himself as he finishes tying his neckerchief. He then approaches her and hands her one of the small dresses  that had been made for her.  

"Your turn Sophia." He smiles down at her as she slowly approaches him.

Drake pulls the dress over her head and struggles to tie up the back of it. Sophia gently pushed his fingers away and ties it herself. Drake rolls his eyes and plucks her off the desk. 

"Hey!" She squeals at the sudden movement.

"Oops." He chuckles.

The small Sophia feels  herself being lifted even higher and soon finds that she is being held directly in front of Drake's Face.  His green eyes look her over and she shivers slightly under his gaze. She still doesn't quite trust him. Drake moves her closer to his lips and softly kisses her. She feels his lips press once again against her small body. Drake pulls away and smirks at his blushing princess. Sophia laughs nervously and looks down at the floor. 

She realizes her mistake as she realizes how high she is. Her minuscule form begins to shiver uncontrollably. 

"Sophia, whats wrong darling?" He asks worriedly.

"I'm afraid of heights." She gulps.

Drake laughs slightly and pulls her against his chest, blocking her view of the floor below. 

"Well, sadly your going to have to get used to it." He transitions her to his pocket and feels her curl up against his chest.

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