Chapter 39

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Drake POV

"Are you nervous?" Sophia asks, softly squeezing my hand.

I give her a meek smile. "Only a little... are you?"


She looks at me with her confused brown eyes. I grin, pulling her slightly closer. 

"For everyone seeing you like this."

"Oh," She laughs and I can sense the slight fear hidden in it. "maybe just a bit."

"I promise, everything will be fine." I bring her hand to my lips, watching her cheeks go red. 


Both of our attention snaps to Lord Valcrume. His face is stern but I can make out the hint of a smile. He steps forward, holding out his arm. Sophia looks at me and I give her a nod. She smiles and takes it, though her gaze never leaving me. 

"Is it already time?" I sigh, my nerves beginning to truly kick in.

"Yes and don't worry, you will be fine." Lord Valcrume chuckles. "Wont he princess Sophia."

"Yes. You will do absolutely perfect." She laughs.

I love it when she laughs. With a smile that lights up the room and a voice like the sweetest melody her laugh was like heaven. 

"I adore your confidence." I sigh, straightening my posture. "But, I believe it is time for you to take your places for the ceremony."

"Yes my Prince." 

  Lord Valcrume quickly leads Sophia into the throne room but not before she gives me one last reassuring smile.

"My Prince," Rikard salutes and stands, ready to open the door. "It is time."

I nod and the doors are opened. 

A carpet the color of scarlet creates a path to the throne. There, the priest stands next to the ornate, gold throne, the crown and scepter on a white cushion beside him. On the other side of the throne, Lord Valcrume stands with Sophia, their faces graced by smiles. I precede forward my eyes on Sophia. 

Down the carpet, up the stairs, in front of the throne.  My muscle memory taking over as my mind wanders elsewhere. I'm suddenly kneeling in front of the priest, now I'm repeating the King's Oath. The crown is placed on my head, the scepter in my hand, and the royal cape and clasp on my shoulders. Everyone stands and claps but, my attention is still on Sophia.

Somehow she is the most captivating thing in the world at this moment. Even though I feel as if I'm the most powerful man in the world with entire kingdoms at my mercy. Somehow a beautiful woman has full power over my attention. No, not just any beautiful women, my beautiful women. My... My? 

Looking at her now, I can't imagine her as anything but free. Yes I want her to be with me but I want her to be with me by her choice. 

I give a slight shake of my head, drawing my attention back to the present. But our eyes meet. Velvety brown against forest green. And I cant stop myself. I stride forward, over to the most beautiful princess in the world, take her into my arms, and kiss her as if their was no tomorrow.

Their are gasps from the crowd then, cheers and claps. The room in commotion of the best kind.

I pull away, my eyes opening and meeting hers once again. I grin, her blush apparent. Then, she rises up, our lips meeting again, this time, by her passion.

Hours later.

Sophia POV

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