Chapter 56

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Many years ago...

Small. She felt so small. Puny even. Eleanor Coning sits in the center of the giants palm, her entire body shaking with fear. His fingers are raised, forming a cage around her. Effectively trapping her at least 50ft in the air if not much more. Her heart races in frightened anticipation. She's pale, her blood feeling like ice in her veins. She stares up at her new master, his cruel and calculating gaze looking her up and down.

"So small. So, so small." He says softly.

She freezes at the sound of his voice, her body rigid, her heart seeming to stop. She stares at him as a prey animal at it's predator. One would expect him to be enjoying her fear, relishing her panic, and finding humor in her terror. However, he did not.

"Hello there, Eleanor correct?"

Eleanor is surprised by his quiet tone and gentle demeanor. Was this truly the monster she had been told of in stories and songs? The ones in her history books that crushed cities and leveled countrysides. Creatures less than human that desire bloodshed and the loss of human life.

"Y...yes." She manages to say, her voice weak.

"There is no need to be afraid, I shall not hurt you. I had no desire to have you in the first place." Clavier sighs, slowly resting back on the bed. "This is simply, an unfortunate circumstance."

"Bu...but I thought you demanded retribution?"

"I did not, my father did. He claimed it was to show humans how truly weak they are."

She flinches.

Clavier takes notice and quickly tries to backtrack. "Not that they are. In fact, they are quite the opposite even with their small size, even with... your small size."

"If you truly... believe that and did not desire me, then...then why did you still take me?"

"It was my fathers dying wish."

"Oh." Eleanor says softly, dropping her gaze to her clenched hands. "What do you plan on doing with me?"

"That, I do not know." Clavier sighs, taking in the tiny beauty held in his palm.

In that moment he decides to protect her. To be her guardian. Never to let her become endangered or harmed in anyway. However, as time went on, something changed. Yes, the two grew closer. Their countless hours spent together giving them time to understand and empathize with the other however time can also be a cruel mistress. Clavier became more ruthless, more angry. Rage ebbed and flowed like the ocean through his veins. Or more like a lake of bubbling and brewing lava that constantly threatens to overflow. Desire also became a defining feature of his countenance. Wether it be desire for bloodshed, or desire for the girl he held as his own, it was there. It became so overpowering, he made her the same size simply to feel her fear more clearly and to feel his own lust more greatly.

"Clavier, we must talk."

Clavier raises his eyes from the letter spread out upon his desk, anger welling up inside him at the annoyance of being interrupted. Especially when she knew better than to bother him when he was pouring over the kingdoms documents.

"What is it Eleanor? Can't you see I'm working?"

"Yes but I... there's something I need to tell you."

"Then spit it out will you, I have no time for banter!" He exclaims, turning to face the cowering woman standing in the doorway.

She gulps, clutching her stomach. "Clavier, I'm pregnant."

In a moment his anger disappears and he is void of emotion before a whole new wave breaks through, rushing into his soul and filling it to the brim with disbelief. He strides across the room, grabbing her throat in his hand and forcing her against the wall. She gasps and clutches her stomach protectively, her body twisting wildly.

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