Chapter 38

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Sophia POV

I gulp and stumble backwards, trying to distance myself from the angry Drake. He rolls his eyes and plucks me off the table by the back of my dress. I yelp in surprise and hear his booming chuckle as I am lifted in front of his face.

"P...please don't hurt me." I stutter, fear taking over every sense.

He huffs in annoyance and rolls his eyes, dropping me in his palm. "Im not going to hurt you Sophia."

"Y...You're not?" I stutter, confused.

"Sophia," He sighs, curling his fingers around me. "I'm not planning on hurting you. You just need to learn that it is not your place to ask those questions." He begins stroking my hair.

I shiver, not liking this situation at all. Why is his mood changing so sporadically?

"Now, it is time to eat." He says, dumping me unceremoniously onto the desk.

I struggle to sit up, shooting a quick glare in Drakes direction. I make my way over to the tray and try to grab a Chung of a biscuit.

"No, no, there is a small plate for you over here." Drake sighs, pushing the tiny platter to me.

Something specifically for me? This has never happened before. I wonder what he's up to. I decide to not worry about it and sit cross cross, setting the full tray on my lap, picking out a piece of fruit to munch on. I didn't realize till I looked up that Drake was watching my every move.

"What." I mumble, wiping juice off my chin.

Drake POV

"Nothing, nothing at all."
Good, she's eating with no more questions asked. I sigh and lean back in my chair, staring up at the gilded ceiling. Hopefully this works without a hitch. The potion is supposed to be flavorless but, I had my doubts. So far though, she hasn't said anything. But of course, giving her the potion was only the first step. The second, was much more difficult and is what made me hesitate. The pain is said to be immeasurable but, it's the only thing that will get me what I want.

"Mph Drake."

"Yes darling?" I peer down at her small form.

"I... I feel... strange." 

She tries to stand but collapses. I quickly catch her in my palm before she can hit the hard platter. She suddenly cries out, clutching her stomach. Oh Galore, it was working. I quickly bring her to the bed, laying down and setting her shaking form on my chest.

"D... Drake," She sobs. "What's happening?"

"Shh, it's going to be alright I promise." I coo, gently stroking her side in hopes of distracting her from the pain.

Instead of calming down, she cries harder, tossing from side to side. A wave of nausea sweeps through me as the realization that I did this to her comes to mind. But, it's too late now to stop it.

"Shh darling, it's alright I have you. It will go away soon." I coax softly, wiping away the sweat on her forehead with my pinkie finger.

Truly, the pain won't go away till morning but she will most likely pass out before then and not notice it. I continue petting her, gently trying to calm her. She is having none of it. She rolls over, onto her stomach, curls into a ball, and clutches my shirt in her minuscule fists, sobbing into the fabric.

Why did I do this? Why was I... no, why am I selfish enough to go through with this. I swallow the lump in my throat, realizing that my eyes were beginning to tear up. I am the reason she is in pain right now. Just because I want... I... I can't think about this right now. I have to help her.

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