Chapter 44

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Drake POV

"And she passed away shortly after I was born."  I finish sadly.

My eyes go back to Sophia. She gazes back at me, her expression showing sorrow.

"I'm sorry Drake."

"It's alright." I sigh, stretching out and staring at the ceiling.

"What...what was her name?"


I remember my father telling me stories of her. I only wish I had known her.

We both fall silent, lost in our own thoughts. My own take a sharp turn though.

"Do you miss them?" I ask suddenly, slightly startling Sophia.


"Your family?"

"Every day." She whispers.

I feel guilt at those words. I took her family from her. Well, they technically gave her to me so, they should feel guilty not I. Wait or... My mind turns in turmoil, frustration getting the better of me.



I look down and realize I must have grabbed Sophia while deep in thought. She struggles in my loose fist. Strangely, I don't want to apologize.

"Hush Sophia." I coax gently, stroking her hair back.

She gasps in surprise, freezing for a moment before struggling anew.

"No, stop, I don't want to be treated like a pet." She gasps between pants.

"Sophia."I growl, tightening my hold.

"Drake!" She growls back.

"Sophia, do not make me punish you before you have to leave."

She stops, breathing heavily.

"Please....please don't hurt me."

Sophia POV

Of course his strong emotions dictate what he does to me. I should have been smarter and not tried to be personal. Now, I'm stuck, tightly clenched in his fist gasping for breath. I'm done with this, with him. I can't wait to go home.

Clay POV

I sit silently, reading a book. The world around me ignored and forgotten. I finally feel safe after several long months of captivity and pain. No wonder Sophia was always so worried and jumpy when she was separated from Drake. She was used to his harsh ways. Or, is used to them.

I sigh, closing the book and leaning my head back against the window sill. Lord Valcrum rarely mentioned her. I believe he knows that it strikes a soar spot with me. Or maybe he's worried that if he tells me anything, I'll do something brash to try to help her. However, his lack of mentioning does not stop me from inquiring. Every day, right when he arrives I ask after her. Every day, he says little save for that she is fine. Well, except for about three or four days ago. He had acted... odd. The fine sounded hollow and false. It made me worry.

Speaking of, where is Lord Valcrum.

I shift my gaze to the grandfather clock across the room. 5:00 pm. He should have been back half an hour ago.

Oh well, not that it should worry me. He's been late before.

I simply place my book on the sill and decide to go to prepare for bed. After a few minuets of washing up, a quick change, then a few more minutes to get to my bed and, I'm dozing off.

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