Chapter 30

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Sophia POV

My eyes scan the handwritten pages of my small book. How long have I been waiting? At least two hours. I sigh and close the book, no longer trying to immerse myself in the story. I instead turn my attention to the window that looks down into the castle courtyard. Ceius said he was to be back today at 10 pm but, two hours later and he still has not arrived.  Im trying to not assume the worst but it is difficult. After all, the whole reason he left was to begin preparations for a battle fort. A sharp knock on the door disturbed me from my thoughts and I stand.

"Come in."

The door swings open and Ceius strides in, a frown on his face. I tilt my head in confusion but before I can ask any questions he plucks me off the desk and shoves me into his pocket. I yelp in surprise at the uncharacteristic behavior and try to squirm out of the pocket. He just slides his hand inside and pushes me back down, pinning me to the bottom of his pocket.  

"Shh Sophia, just hold still." He says soothingly.

I decide to listen knowing that I can trust him. I wait silently though still slightly uncomfortable.

Within about ten minutes, I hear a door snap shut and Ceius wraps his hand around me, removing me from the stuffy confines of his pocket. He carefully sets me on his bed and helps me regain my balance. 

"So, what required you stuffing me in your pocket?" I give him a glare.

"I have some news."


"Lord Dering and your father are coming tomorrow. They plan on staying a few days before...before taking you home." He grins, though his smile fading at the last part.

"Really?" Excitement courses through me.

Clay and my father, coming here? And the're going to take me home? Its too good to be true.

"Yes really!"

"I can't wait!" I laugh, hugging Ceius's finger.

Ceius POV

I try to keep my smile plastered on. Sophia seems so happy but, I realize now as I say that she'll be leaving, how much I will truly miss her. She pulls away and looks at me with her adorable brown velvet eyes and smiles. I sigh and grin, ruffling her hair.

"Its late, we better get to bed."

"Fine." She laughs.

I roll my eyes and get up, moving behind the changing screen and quickly changing into my sleeping garments. I return to the bed and carefully cover myself and her up and fall into a restless sleep, worrying about the upcoming time when Sophia will return home.

Drake POV

I watch from horseback as my men prepare the command center. Hidden in between to ancient oak trees, the canvas tent goes up. On the other side, more men are building a large bomb fire and setting up their own tents. 

"My Prince." Rikard sidles up his steed beside me.

"Rikard, has there ever been a better set up for battle." I laugh, clapping him on the back.

"No my prince." He states in monotone.

I groan knowing he has something important on his mind.

"What has your mind turning circles Rikard?"

"My men have been scouting all day and we have not figured out the location of King Ceius's camp."

I close my eyes, the feeling of a headache coming on. "So, you mean to tell me, that the head of my army, the greatest giant warrior and scout, can't figure out where our enemies camp is; which we need to know, to be successful in the war?" I growl.

"Yes my prince.

My fist encircles his throat before he knows to dodge. I slowly tighten my hold as he struggles to break himself free.

"Find the camp. I will not hesitate to replace you."

He nods and I release him. He falls forward, gasping for breath. 

"Now go, I have to return home."

I turn my horse around and head off, my home only 4 hours away.

Time Skip

I stride down the main hall towards my fathers study, hoping to catch him before he heads off to gain allies.  

"Ah, I thought you would show your face eventually my son."

My father says from his desk, a large amount of paperwork in his hands.

"I apologize for making you wait then for I was unaware you were expecting me." I say curtly, taking  seat across from him.

"No, no it is fine my son. Pray though, what are your plans for it might be nice to know them before I explain them to our allies?"

"We strike in one week, when the sun is still low and the sky is just turning to the pale grey of the morning."


"In the northern mountains near Stone Lake."

"Good," He mumbles, his quill scratching against the parchment. "Alright, is that all?"

"Nope." I groan sitting up and pulling a letter from my jacket pocket. "One of our spies intercepted this."

My father grabs it greedily, taking in the words with hungry eyes.

"They want to take Sophia home huh." He smirks, crumpling the letter. 

"Yes, what a shame it will be when they get intercepted." I chuckle standing to leave.

"I will leave to see our hopefully soon to be allies immeadiotly."

"And I will leave to regain what is properly mine." We both smile and nod a goodbye before taking different hallways.

Oh Sophia, soon you will once again be mine.

Authors Note.

Sorry for taking so long to update. I am currently working on a large writing project and got caught up with it. Hopefully there will be more constant and timely updates to this from now on. - Bailey Anne Schatz

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