Chapter 47

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Clay POV

Their faces utterly pale. Arms chained, bruises visible.

"My Lord and Lady, treachery is punishable by death and, I believe you knew that." I voice from my chair, watching them with keen and hateful eyes.

"We have committed no such crime!" Lord Leum growls angrily.

"Of course not, the potion just magically ended up in the wine that you gave him as a gift." I sigh, placing my face in my hands. "This would be so much easier on the both of you if you would just cooperate."

"Please...please Lord Dering." Lillian cries. "I'm so sorry for the way I treated you. Please just release me and I will never harm an other human again." She sobs.

I laugh, my chuckle echoing off the slimy stone walls. She falls silent, fear taking over her features.

"You too are much to dangerous to simply let go. I don't believe in revenge but I also believe in justice."

"You would dare to kill us, only days ago you were a mere, weakling." Leum spits.

"I never said I would kill you." I sigh, approaching the chained Lord. "You will be placed under the direction of King Ceius who I believe, will be very glad to see you."

"No, please!" Lillian sobs.

These two. It seems once you are their equal, they fall apart out of fear.

"I'll pay you anything." She cries.

"Oh please, your money is worth nothing to me woman!" I spit, shutting her up. "You tortured me, treated me as a doll given to you for simple amusement. Right now, the only thing protecting you is my honor."

She gasps, clutching at her chest.

"Until that point," I continue. "You will remain here like the criminal scum you are." I motion to the guard to open the door for me.

"Your majesty?"


"What if they become... difficult during the night?"

"Give Leum a hit over the head and Lillian a healthy dose of chloroform." I laugh, patting him on the back

"Yes my king."

I stride off down the hall, jogging up the dark basement steps and back to the great tower. Servants pass by, quickly moving to the side as I walk past, their eyes averted.

Now, for my next appointment. I quickly find my way to the meeting room, slipping inside and taking the head seat at the large table. The room is empty for now which is a good thing. It gives me time to think. Well at least until the doors open with a bang and several giants stride in. Each of them wearing a different shade uniform and stripe of face paint to match. They quickly take their seats, shooting me questioning looks. I wait patiently for them all to be seated before standing.

I clear my throat, calling their attention to myself. Their friendly mumbling stops and they watch attentively. Good.

"Thank you all for coming, it is greatly appreciated." I slowly start to pace around the table, gazing at each and every one of them individually. The best way to initially get to know your army. "You May be wondering why I've called you here or, more so, who I am." I chuckle. "Well, my name is King Clay Dering, the title having been passed to me by King Drake."

A few gasps are obvious and they begin to mumble among themselves. Chattering away annoyingly. I raid my hands, calling attention back to myself. "Now, the details of the transition will be revealed later this evening but now, I would like to speak about more pressing issues. Which of you is the general?"

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