Chapter 12

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Drake quickly walked down the stairs and into the dining room where, once again his father was waiting.

Drake POV

My fathers eyes watch me with malice as I approach and sit next to him. I then realize hes not looking at me but the small bulge in my pocket. Unease fills me as I worry for the safety of my little prize. My hand instinctively reaches up and blocks the pocket from view. My father growls in anger and goes back to eating his breakfast in silence. I slowly reach into my pocket and entwine my fingers around Sophia. I lift her out and set her on the table. I watch her cower slightly as her eyes fall on my father. I gently stroke her head to offer some sort of comfort. Compared to my father, I guess Im not as terrifying for her for she leans into my touch. I begin to fill my plate when my father suddenly pipes up.

"So, I see you brought your little bug." He glares at Sophia. "Well, at least now she can read her letter."

"My what?" Sophia asks quietly.

"Your father wrote you a letter bug." He says maliciously to her.

"Father." I say in warning. " Where is it?"

"Here." He hands me a tiny scrap of paper.

I carefully take it and hand it to Sophia. She takes it and I go back to eating.

"D... Drake?" I pause and look down at her.

"Yes my mall one?" I softly stroke her.

"Can I maybe have something to eat?" She asks quietly.

It was then that I realized how long it had been since the last time she had eaten. She was probably starving.

"Of course." I hand her a small piece of roll.

She gives me a meek smile then begins to eat.

I feel a twinge of guilt. I cannot believe that I let her go hungry. I groan inwardly and continue to eat.


I look at my father.

"Make sure you don't spoil her." And he gets up and takes his leave.

I roll my eyes and finish my meal. Sophia finishes hers as well and I gently pick her up. I drop her into my pocket and she squeaks in surprise. I chuckle and softly pat my hand against her.

"Drake, where are we going?" Her muffled voice asks.

"It's a surprise my small one." I say gently as I make my way outside.

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