Chapter 48

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Sophia POV

"What do you think of the new dress princess?" Lord Valcrum asks softly, approaching behind me.

I remain silent, gazing at the rich navy blue fabric.

"King Dering payed a large sum for it."

Of course Clay was behind it. Navy had always been his favorite. It would only make sense that he would put his favorite color on his favorite, little, doll. My mind turns to spiteful thoughts as it passes over the memories of the past weeks. He treated me with such gentleness yet power in the same moment. Treating me like a porcelain doll but showing his power over me. I go nowhere without his permission nor accompaniment.

"Sophia?" Lord Valcrum continues to prod in, his voice beginning to give me a headache.

"I'm sure he did. It is quite lovely." I sigh, whirling around to face him. "Please give him my highest regards." My voice holds no pleasantness and he can tell but pretends to remain blissfully unaware.

"Yes my princess." He bows, quickly vacating the room.

I listen to the door snap shut and hop off the dressing platform onto the surface of the desk. It is my deepest desire currently to get this dress off. It's not that I don't like the dress itself, it is quite pretty. It's the thought behind the dress. But alas, if I were to take it off I can only imagine the chastisement. He'd probably keep me in his pocket all day with his hand around me. "For protection" as he would say.

I sigh deeply and walk along the desk to the windowsill, sliding down the curtains and onto the windowsill. I peer down at the garden, servants caring for the newly awakened spring plants. I wish I could be down there, breathing in the sweet scent of fresh roses and lilacs.

Surrounding it, a wall made of large stones covered in a thick layer of bright green moss. And, beyond that, the town with sharply rising roofs and chimneys merrily puffing smoke. It would be a lovely and inviting sight if everyone didn't tower so ridiculously over me.

I am stirred from my thoughts as I hear the door open and close. I turn with a swirl of blue fabric and face Clay Dering with folded arms.

"Good morning Sophia, Lord Valcrum told me you like the dress."

"Yes, it brings me much pleasure." I lie through my smile.

He laughs and rolls his eyes. "Sophia, we have known each other for such a very long time. I can tell when you're lying."

I take a deep breath, taking a step back from his hulking form as he crouched down in front of me. Now at eye level, I take in his features, my heart aching at the familiarity of them.

"Why don't you like it." He coos, stroking my side.

I fall silent, trying to think of something to say that won't make him too angry.

"It's a little over the top don't you think?" I shrug my bare shoulders.

"Hmm," He laughs, stepping away and moving to his desk, pouring himself a glass of wine. "How so may I ask?"

"Clay, there are crystals sown into the fabric." I sigh exasperated.

"Diamonds." He corrects, sitting down and facing me.

"You're just proving my point."

"Well why shouldn't I spoil you my darling?" He takes a deep draught.

"Because, I feel like a doll."

"I see no issue with that." He sets his glass down, giving me a vacantly stern look.

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