Chapter 23

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I rub my eyes, making sure it's not a sleep caused hallucination. It's not, Drake is really nowhere to be found. I stand and shakily make my way across the soft and squishy expanse that is the bed. I make it to the side table and am about to step onto it when the door bursts open. Drake steps inside, a tray loaded with food in his arms and a smile on his face.

"Sophia!" his eyes fall on me and I fall back in surprise at his sudden outburst. "what do you think you're doing?"

He hurriedly places the tray on the table and rushes over to me.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I was just trying to get onto the table."

He entwines his fingers around me and holds me in front of his face. Still a slightly unfamiliar feeling after a month of absence.

"Why on earth were you trying to do that?"

The way he says it is strange. It's almost as if he's angry with me but there is also something else. He was and is worried about me and doesn't want me to get hurt. That's what it is.

I pat his hand as a form of comfort. "Look, I've lived with you for about a month and you haven't let me go exploring once."

He raises an eyebrow and gives an angry frown.

"I know but you could at least wait for me so that you don't get hurt."

He suddenly drops me on the bed and I almost shout at the surprise of it. I land on the soft mattress and roll into the pillows. A chuckle that sounds like thunder tells me that Drake is very amused. I give an annoyed huff and sit up, my arms folded. Drake smiles down at me, his eyes twinkling mischievously. Then, the remembrance of the promise I made sneaks into my head and I almost hit myself knowing where this day is heading.

"I didn't know where you went," I say trying to steer the conversation away from past promises.

"Do you want to know where I went, my little Sophia?"

I groan at his choice of words but nod my head even though I know it probably has to do with the food he brought.

"I was getting ready for you to fulfill your promise."

Uh oh. I gulp and try to backpedal away from his hulking form. No use, his hand is behind me before I can even move a foot.

"Aw come on, you're not backing out yet." He almost threatens.

I want to scream out that it was a mistake. I want to run and never come back. Yes, he'll get to the point where sometimes ill trust him but, at the end of the day, he is the master and I am his pet or whatever he sees me as.

" of c...course not." I try in vain to stop the shaking of my voice.

Drake seems to take pity on my helplessness as he reaches down and carefully lifts me. He places me against his chest and I can't help but snuggle with him. He's just so warm and even though it's crazy, he is sort of comforting.

Drake POV

Her tiny form snuggles into my chest and, I long to run my fingers over her small body. Ugh, get a grip. I carry her over to the food and set her among the contents.

"Help yourself, darling." She peers up at me, her brown eyes carrying disbelief.
"Go on, its ok."

She rushes forward and begins to eat a little of everything. I stifle a laugh and begin to quench my own hunger. We both finish quickly enough and I notice her eyes wandering over to the birdcage where about a month ago, she had spent many an hour.


"Yes, Sophia?" Instinct already tells me what's on her mind.

"I..., are you g...going to put me b...back in the cage."

Her stuttering indicates her fear and loathing of the object in the corner. I cringe slightly at the knowledge that I am the one who caused it.

"No, of course not my darling. In fact, I cleared my whole schedule so that I could be with you."

I know that she may not be very happy with the thought of having to spend the whole day with me, especially with the promise she made me. She probably expects me to do something horrible to her. I peer down at her awaiting a reaction.


"Yes but, I uh, understand if you don't want me to I can always..."

"No, no, it's fine."

She gives a small smile and sits down in front of me, her legs dangling over the edge of the desk. I gently push her away from the edge and bring my head to rest directly in front of her. Her velvety brown eyes grow wide as I kiss her gently then quickly pull away. I can't help but believe she likes me to at least some extent. After all, she did miss me and well, not to mention the blush she always gets. I look back at her and catch her trying to hide the warm pinkness that has spread to her cheeks. Hah, called it.

I pluck her off the desk and place her back on the bed and I take the opportunity to race and grab what I need. My hand's rifle through the small basket till I find the human-sized book. I carefully take it between my fingers and bring it back to the ned where Sophia sits waiting. She looks quizzically at me as I hand it to her and sprawl out on the mattress.

"Read to me... Please." I wait and feel her climb up onto my chest. Gosh, it tickles.

Her soft yet clear voice is them the only thing that fills my ears and I wish it was always like this.

Sophia POV

I finish the 15th chapter and finally, my voice gives out. Drake opens his eyes and peers at me.

"It's my voice." I croak.

He nods and rolls over, shaking the bed and sending me onto my stomach. He gently pinches the back of my dress and sets me on the pillow next to his face. I smile and gently caress his face. He looks surprised for but a moment before softly stroking my side. Maybe this life isn't going to be that bad. I still feel a little heartbroken though. I... I don't want to be treated as a pet, I want to be considered equal.

"What's wrong love?"


I open my eyes and Drake wipes away a tear from my cheek. I didn't even realize I was crying.

"Nothing, I'm... I'm fine." My voice gets softer till the last word can barely be heard.

I know Drake doesn't buy it.

"Alright, I won't press you."

Wait, what? This is... Well much different from how he usually acts. I smile gratefully and do something I never thought I would do. I gently kiss his lips and before I know it, he's kissing me back and holding me close. I pull away breathless and Drake smiles sheepishly at me.

"I've been waiting for you to do that for forever."

I giggle and curl up against him. He gently runs his fingers down my back and I can't help but feel loved.

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