Chapter 43

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Drake POV
The goblet was delivered quickly and I took a swig, finding the wine refreshing though... there was an odd taste to it. Huh, must be a foreign one. I yawn, tired from the already long day. A nap wouldn't hurt plus, if Sophia woke up, she wouldn't have to deal with me for a little bit.

I move over to the bed, laying beside Sophia's sleeping form and gently giving her a kiss. My eyes close and I drift into a dreamless sleep.

Time skip

I wake up and right away I can tell something's off. I stretch, sitting up then, shouting in surprise. Everything is... huge. Even Sophia who sleeps soundly beside me. I gulp, gazing up at her huge form. I don't like this, not one bit. She suddenly stirs slightly, sitting up and rubbing her tired eyes.

She gasps, a small smile crossing her face as she realizes that she's big again. I'm not smiling though as fear begins to course through my veins. What if she rolls over? What if she sees me? Oh.... so this is what she must feel like. I hear another audible gasp and look up. Our eyes meet. Her mouth falls open is shock before turning into a smile. Oh no.

"Well, how odd." She chuckles, stretching her hand towards me. I gasp and turn to run. Too late, her fingers wrap around me. I'm lifted into the air, struggling against her grip but, to no avail.

"Aww, do you not like this? I thought you would, after all you always do it to me." She laughs, holding me close to her face.

"Pl...please put me down." I stutter, cowering under her gaze.

"Now why would I do that? Plus, you look like a rather tasty snack."

I hate this. I hate this so much. I have no control, none at all. I'm completely at her mercy as she slowly brings me towards her mouth.

"Agh!" I shout, sitting up in bed. My entire body covered in cold sweat.

My eyes wildly search the room, finding everything still at my size. Thank goodness, it was just a dream. Then, I turn my attention to Sophia who stares back at me in total fear.

"Sophia! I'm so sorry, did I wake you?" I reach towards her but she cowers away.

Oh yeah, she hates me now.

"Please Sophia, I'm so sorry, I promise."

She shakes her head still backing away from me. I watch as she continues to get dangerously close to the edge of the bed.

"Wait Sophia," I stretch my hand towards her, trying to prevent her from falling off the bed.

Too late.

She crawls backwards even faster, letting out a quick scream as she falls over the edge.

"Sophia!" I shout, lurching forward and catching her in my palm.

She groans from the impact and struggles to sit up. I gently help to prop her up, using my finger. She almost looks grateful for a moment before her mouth forms into a scowl.

"Why would you do that?" She snaps.

"Do what?" I ask confused.

"Scare me like that? First, you startled me awake then, you cause me to fall off the bed."

"I'm sorry." I say simply still confused.

"Why did you shout like that anyway?" She huffs, folding her arms across her chest.

"Oh I uh, I had a bad dream." I say awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck.

"Oh yeah, about what?" She quirks an eyebrow, still glaring at me.

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