Chapter 7

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Drake felt her curl up against his chest and smiled slightly. She gave up easily enough. He walks quickly down the long castle hallway and into the great hall where breakfast is being served. His father sits at the head of the long table and next to him a seat has been saved. Drake slides into it and fills up his plate.
"So, where is she?" Clavier asks curiously.
      He watches as his son smirks and points to his pocket.
"How do you like her?"
"I'm not sure yet." Drake reaches into his pocket and grabs Sophia by the back of her dress and sets her on his plate. She almost falls but he steadies her with his large finger. Clavier laughs at the clumsiness of her and watches as she glares at him.
"A little cocky aren't we princess, Drake is going to have to change that isn't he." He nods towards his son who smiles down at her. She tries to back away but Drakes hand blocks any escape.
"P...P..please d..dont hurt" She stutters. After hearing this both giants begin to laugh uncontrollably.
"Give her to me son." Sophie covers her sensitive ears and tries to dodge Drakes hand but she is too slow. He wraps his fingers around her delicate waist and hands her over to his eager father.

Clavier excitedly grasps her in a fist. Finally, he'll be able to see her up close at eye level. She gasps as his fingers tighten and does something incredibly stupid. She bites him. He cries out in pain and drops her onto his plate with a thump.
"Oh you little bug! When I find you I'll..." Sophia crawls as quickly as possible off the plate and hides behind a large bottle of wine.
"Where did you go Sophia?" Drake calls quietly as he looks for her among the several platters of food and bottles of wine and Champaign.
      Meanwhile the king shoves food, drinks, and trays out of the way as he tries to find their little captive. Sophia runs over to a basket of rolls trying to stay out of range of the kings destruction but then Drake sees her. He expertly makes his way behind her and faster than lightning picks her up by the arm and dangles her in front of his face.

"There you are!" He smiles but then notices her body shaking with sobs. Tears run down her face and she struggles to grab his finger with her other hand. He drops her into his other palm and holds her down with his thumb.
"You ok tiny?" But before she can answer the king snatches her up and tosses her onto the table.
"This will teach you not to bite people." He raises a bread knife and gets ready to let it come crashing down on her minuscule form but Drake grabs hold of his wrist. "You don't lay a hand on her. If she is to be punished let me do it." Drake removes the knife and sets it on the table and scoops up the limp form of Sophia.
"I cant believe your letting her live after he disrespect she showed me." Drake ignores his father and exits the room carrying a tray of food in one hand and Sophia in his pocket.

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