Chapter Three

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Just over half an hour later, our car pulled into the garage of the Triskelion. I couldn't stop staring at everything we passed, and when the car finally stopped I practically launched myself out of my seat.

"This place is incredible!" I yelled. Even in the middle of the garage I couldn't stop looking around at everything. I knew I probably looked like a dork, but I also didn't care.

"Glad you think so," said Coulson, coming to stand next to me. "Unfortunately, we're not stopping here. The other two are off to do SHIELD work, and we're getting back in the car."

I turned to him, not even bothering to hide the disappointment on my face. Coulson just shrugged.

"Survive SHIELD academy training and you'll be here all the time," he said, turning around and heading back to the driver's seat of the car. I sighed heavily, taking one last look around, and then followed him. 

I climbed into the passenger seat and stared straight ahead, expecting Coulson to start the car and back up. When we didn't move, I turned to see him staring at me expectantly.

"Well? Have you decided where you're going?" he asked.

I smiled, then took a deep breath to steel my nerves.


Coulson smiled right back at me, then started the car.

"Excellent choice."

We pulled out of the Triskelion and back onto normal roads, and I tried my best to relax. With every passing moment it felt like my heart was speeding up.

"You know," started Coulson, keeping his eyes on the road and his tone light, "I've never actually been on the Operations campus."

I turned to look at him, mercifully distracted from my nerves. I got the feeling that was his goal, and I really appreciated it.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really. Like I said, I went through Communications, and the other academies like to keep their secrets." He paused, and we let a comfortable silence hang in the air before he continued. "I wonder what their campus is like?"

"I don't have an answer, but I guess we're both going to find out."


We drove for at least another half an hour, and despite some pleasant conversation with Coulson, my nerves and excitement were starting to get unbearable. Finally, a massive black chain link fence came into view, and our road intersected with a guard station. I leaned forward to get a better look as Coulson pulled up to the guard's window.

"Hello," he said brightly, giving the guard a small smile. The guard, who was holding an absolutely massive gun, didn't return the smile.

"Name and purpose," he barked.

"Phil Coulson, dropping off a recruit."

The guard nodded once, then walked back to the guard house. He muttered into a walkie-talkie for a few minutes, speaking to someone on the other end without ever taking his glare off of us. Finally, he put down the walkie-talkie and pushed a button to open the gate.

"Go ahead," he called.

"Thanks." Phil glanced at me before inching the car forward. As we passed through the gates I leaned forward again so I could see my new academy as soon as humanly possible.

I didn't know quite what I was expecting. Maybe some kind of old castle-type school building hiding a disguised spy academy, or a towering, sparkling skyscraper like the Triskelion. Instead of any of those options, I got a military compound. Everywhere I looked people were running in neat lines at the exact same pace, all wearing a specific SHIELD uniform. Other people were barking orders, and I could see a group in the distance literally crawling through the mud under some wire.

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