Chapter Twelve

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I woke up on my own the next morning to the sound of the hotel room door slamming. Since no one was in the room, I assumed it was Grant, leaving to do who knew what.

I rolled out of bed and did a zombie shuffle to the bathroom, still not quite awake. I figured I should take a shower now, while Grant was gone, so that he couldn't yell at me to hurry up. I took slow showers.

After I got out, got dressed, ate food, and brushed my teeth, I started to get annoyed. Grant still wasn't back. Where the heck had he gone?

I walked a lap of the room, trying to find any kind of paper or note that he might have left to tell me where he went.

Big surprise: there was nothing.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone, quickly dialing Ward's number. I almost threw my phone against the wall when I heard his phone ringing in the next room.

"You have got to be kidding me," I mumbled to myself. I was just about to go out looking for him when the door to the room swung open.

"Hey Slater, glad you're up," said Ward casually as he walked into the room.

"Where the hell have you been?" I demanded, crossing my arms and glaring at him.

"Scoping out activities for Kayla and Derek to do today to help establish our cover," he said calmly, making a pot of coffee and apparently not noticing the irritation on my face.

"Seriously? That's it? You were gone for hours!"

"I had to be thorough. Besides, taking my time meant I could scope out potential threats as well as tourist activities."

"And you left your phone here because...?"

"I didn't need it. Why are you so mad?" he asked, finally acknowledging my body language and tone.

"Because you left without me telling me where you were going or leaving me a way to get in touch with you!"

Grant just rolled his eyes. "You're fine. I'm fine. I don't see the big deal."

He started walking into the other room but I was not done with this argument. I moved into the doorway, blocking his path.

"Grant," I started, trying to make my expression as stern as possible, "We are spies. You've told me yourself how dangerous our work can be, how serious, and I need a way to get in touch with you in case of an emergency."

I could see him starting to give in, but he wasn't there yet. The idiot was probably still trying to maintain his macho 'I'm a top agent and I never need help' persona.

I decided to play to that persona.

"Please Grant? For my peace of mind."

"Fine," he sighed, "I'll keep my phone on and with me. But only so that you won't freak out."

Hook, line, and sinker.

"Thanks Grant," I said, giving him a brilliant smile before moving out of his way.

"You're welcome," he mumbled.

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