Chapter Forty-Eight

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A/N: Dedicated to the wonderful kath112 for the ship name 😜😄❤️


"What do you mean 'eliminate her main threat'?" asked Skye, clearly upset. I mean, I couldn't blame her. Lorelei was mind controlling Grant into betraying all of us.

"I mean, he's going to do whatever it takes to keep us out of her way. Anything from locking us in to..." I couldn't finish the thought. I wanted to believe that Grant was strong enough to break free of Lorelei if he were told to kill me, but based on what I'd heard from Sif, May, and Coulson, that was impossible.

"Let me try to get through the doors," I said, starting to sit up.

"No! First of all, you need to save your strength, just in case," started Simmons. "And second, none of us are going to be able to destroy the door to get out. We have to out-think them instead of out-fight them."

I conceded and leaned back against the bed. We ended up with Simmons grabbing a fire extinguisher and waiting by the door to clock anyone who tried to come in. I know, I know, it wasn't a great plan, but for right now, it was the best we had.

Unfortunately, Phil was the first one through the door.

Fortunately, his reflexes were fast enough to keep Simmons from bashing his head in.

Phil had us let Sif in (she'd gone out the airlock), and then he and Simmons went to deal with Fitz, who was also under Lorelei's spell.

"Simmons is gone," I remarked.

"Yeah. What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking I need to go get Grant."

"You really shouldn't. Simmons is right, we're not even close to fighting shape yet."

"Yeah, I agree."

"You're going anyway, aren't you?"


I sprang out of bed, determined to sneak away before Simmons got back. I was terrified of what I might find when I saw Grant again, but there was no way I was going to sit by and do nothing when I could help save him. He was right here on the plane, and I couldn't be on the sidelines any longer.

I sprinted upstairs, and found the fighting already over. May was in position to destroy Grant, but he looked to be back to normal. I breathed a quiet sigh of relief. I didn't have to see Grant under Lorelei's control.

"I'm back," said Grant, looking at May and trying to convince her. Sif was leading Lorelei into the room, the collar newly around her neck.

"He speaks the truth," announced Sif. Grant turned to smile at May, and she punched him in the face. Hard.

My jaw dropped and my eyebrows shot up. I started walking towards the group right before May left.

"Good to know," she said, staring Grant down before turning and walking away.

"What the heck did you do to deserve that?" I asked, pulling Grant into a side hug.

"Slater," he sighed, making it a full hug. He didn't answer my question, just buried his face in my hair. We stood there for a couple minutes, just being together.

Finally, he pulled back and held me at arm's length, giving me the stink eye.

"Are you supposed to be out of bed?"

"Ugh. Grant." I rolled my eyes and leaned back into his chest. It was my turn to ignore a question.

"C'mon," he said, starting to walk but still keeping one arm around me. "Let's get you back in bed before Simmons loses her mind."

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