Chapter Twenty-One

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As the elevator raced down to who knew where and Grant fixed his hair, I decided to do a scan of the areas now that we were under ground.

"Holy crap. Grant, come look at this," I said, motioning to my scanner. It showed miles of passageways with multiple levels, like a life-sized ant hill. We'd stumbled on a secret base.

"You better not touch my hair again or— oh boy. This is big," he said, taking the scanner from my hands for a closer look.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"Our jobs." Grant put the scanner away. "We go down there and observe everything, we don't get caught, and then we decide what the appropriate course of action should be."

"Alright," I said, "But we might be kinda hard pressed to go unnoticed."

"We'll deal with it. That's what we were trained to do."

"What if someone's waiting for us when we get off the elevator?"

"Then we'll deal with them too."


Fortunately, there was no one waiting when we got off the elevator. By some miracle we had managed to come all the way down here unnoticed. We quickly stashed our parkas and other long-term survival gear in an air vent by the elevator and found a few spare uniforms in a closet, keeping our tactical gear hidden underneath lab coats.

"Alright, let's start to the left," said Ward, "There are some weird fluctuations coming from that direction."

I nodded and we headed off, careful to blend in. We walked deeper and deeper into the secret base, trying to look as confident and busy as possible, and no one gave us a second glance. I was having a lot of fun, my heart hammering out of my chest, but we still hadn't found anything of interest.

Finally, Grant managed to steal the pass of one of the scientists we passed. We immediately used it to break into the nearest high-security room.

We were not disappointed.

All around us were gadgets and scientists and orbs. It looked like an evil lair straight out of a Bond movie.

"C'mon," said Grant, motioning for me to follow him as he moved off to the right to inspect the nearest table.

Grant started picking up anything in sight, inspecting it while trying to listen to any nearby conversations. I decided to try a different tactic.

I straightened my back and lifted my nose slightly in the air, then marched haughtily towards the nearest scientist.

"Give me an update," I demanded, trying to ignore Grant's Are you stupid? glare.

""Well, uh, we got a positive result from our final testing phase. Localized technology disruption was possible at all locations. When we join up the orbs world wide, we should be able to cause power outages and pandemonium anywhere we want, any time we want," answered the scientist.

I tried not to gulp. "Any problems?"

"Well, unfortunately, yes. Our technology combined with the alien technology is in high demand, and several orbs have been stolen by unseen thieves."

"I see two right here."

My head snapped up at the voice of the newcomer, and I was face to face with the girl Grant and I had caught in Costa Rica.

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