Chapter Thrity-Eight

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Grant and I held up our hands in surrender, and the soldiers escorted us to the cargo hold. They tied everybody's hands to the ramp that went down if the cargo hold was opened, except Phil, who they kept on the second floor.

I was on one end of the line, next to Grant, and May was still unconscious on the other end, next to Skye.

"This is my fault," muttered Fitz after a few minutes of silence, "I should have learned Kung Fu."

I shook my head and opened my mouth to reassure him, but before I could everyone decided to take a moment to blame themselves. I closed my eyes and sighed. I was getting tired of everyone talking over each other.

Then, the conversation turned to May. Apparently FitzSimmons didn't realize that she was the same legendary Specialist badass that all the new agents told stories about. Grant explained just in time for May to wake up.

She asked FitzSimmons for a solution, but they didn't have one yet.

"It's hard to concentrate in these intense situations," explained Fitz.

"Hey. Don't freeze up," coached Grant. I felt my heart soar. I was so proud of him for being so kind and mentor-ish! "Take a breath. You don't need to come up with the whole solution. Just part of it. Right?"

He leaned forward and directed the last question towards Skye, and I didn't miss the way he was looking at her. I felt my stomach clench.

I tried to focus. I had to! My team was counting on me! I couldn't get distracted so easily. What the hell was wrong with me?

While I was wrestling with myself, the rest of the team managed to come up with a plan. We were taking back the plane, and I needed to have my wits about me. May revved the engine of the SHIELD car, ramming open the lab doors to get us started.

No turning back now.

I helped Grant gather ropes and belaying clips, then we secured the rest of the team.

"Let me do yours," said Grant, wrapping the rope around my waist and securing it. I did the same for him, but I had to turn away as I felt a blush rising to my cheeks. While everyone else put the finishing touches on our plan, I ducked around a corner to get a hold of myself.

I smacked my own forehead.

"Snap out of it Slater!" I whisper-yelled to myself. This was completely unacceptable, and if I couldn't focus, I might get one of my teammates hurt. I took a deep breath, and then went back into the lab. We were about to blow a hole in our plane, and I couldn't afford to be distracted.

I lined up with the rest of the team, next to Grant, and we all braced for the coming impact. Fitz triggered the device we'd been sent to retrieve, and the doors to the lounge unlocked.

"Samantha and I will take care of the soldiers," said Grant, "You guys get to the 0-8-4."

"And Coulson?" asked Fitz.

Grant paused. "Let's hope he can handle himself."

The minute we opened the door to the lounge, it was chaos. The wind was pulling us towards the massive hole in the plane, but we managed to keep from flying out.

Grant and I were moving in first, but one of the soldiers starting firing.

"Get back!" ordered Grant, talking to the rest of the team. He and I ducked behind the couch, and Grant popped up to deal with the shooter while I walked around to meet a second hostile.

I heard indistinct shouting all around me, but I was laser focused on the guy in front of me. He was much bigger than I was, and since I couldn't dart around like I normally did without flying out of the plane, I was going to have a hard time beating him.

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