Chapter Nine

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We got back to SHIELD HQ without anyone asking any questions, which I was relieved about. Grant had seriously freaked me out with his "HQ will be so mad" attitude. As soon as we handed off the girl and the orb, we were left alone.

"So that's it?" I asked.

"What's it?" responded Grant. I always thought I was very clear, but apparently not, because he always felt the need to ask a clarifying question.

"Like, are we done now? Do they take the orb and the person we caught and never talk to us about it again? Are we no longer involved in the situation?"

"No. Our job was to get the orb and get out, and we finished that job. All that's left is to write up a report, and then we move on to the next mission."

I groaned. "A report? Please be joking." That had always been my least favorite thing at the Academy.

"I'm not joking. Now let's go, we've got work to do." He started walking but I wasn't ready to just move on to a report and then a new mission.

"Wait!" I called, "I've never been to a SHIELD facility other than the Academy. Can we do a tour before paperwork?"

Grant looked like he was weighing his options for a minute, then said, "Alright, I guess it's my job as your SO to give you a tour of your workplace. Follow me."

The Hub was huge. There were hundreds of agents rushing around. Any one of them could be headed out for a mission to save the world, and I was so happy to be considered one of them.

After going through all the many floors I'd seen all of the Hub that I could (there were some classified areas I wasn't allowed in) I was in awe, but unfortunately, that meant I had to fill out a report now.

Grant wasn't as cold as he had been, but he still insisted that we do our reports separately.

"We need to tell the stories as accurately as possible and that means not consulting with each other."


I went back the cafeteria and sat down with my laptop. I was staring at the blank page (I hadn't gotten past 'name') when I was joined by a familiar face.

"Agent Coulson!" I exclaimed. It was the agent who'd recruited me in the first place. It was so good to see him again!

"Hi! It looks like you're doing well then?" he asked.

"Yeah! I graduated from the Operations Academy and now I'm training with my SO."

"Who's your SO?"

"Grant Ward? I don't know if you know him."

"I know him. An old buddy of mine, John Garrett, recruited him. I never thought he'd be one to mentor somebody."

"Yeah, I got the impression that it wasn't entirely his idea."

Coulson smiled and was joined by a woman about his age. She looked tough as nails, but she still gave me a nod as she sat down.

"Samantha, this is Agent Melinda May," introduced Coulson.

"Nice to meet you," I said, giving her a friendly smile.

"You too," she replied. To my relief, she returned my smile. She did not look like someone you'd want to be on bad terms with.

"So, what're you up to now? I don't see Ward anywhere."

"Ugh. I'm filling out a report on a mission we just finished."

"I hate reports," Agent May chimed in. Apparently, we had something in common.

"Me too! I haven't gotten past 'name' yet and I've been sitting here almost half an hour," I admitted.

Coulson just shook his head. "They're not the end of the world."

"See, that's why I like missions with him," said May, "I can get him to write a detailed report and I can write a summary."

I smiled, then realized something.

"Do you think Ward's like that?" I asked.

May have me a sly look and nodded subtly.

"Yes!" I shouted, punching the air. I drew some weird looks from other people in the cafeteria, but I didn't care. I didn't have to do a crazy detailed report! This was the best news ever!

"Okay, but that's not a very good practice," added Coulson. May and I shared a look, both of us deciding it was a great practice.

Before May or Coulson could continue the discussion, Coulson got a notification on his phone.

"Shoot. We've gotta go. Situation in Turkey. Ready May?"

"You know it."

"Great. Good to see you Samantha," said Coulson, giving me a smile as he stood.

"You too!"

"Nice to meet you," said May, also standing.

"Likewise. And thanks for the tip about reports."

"Anytime." She and Coulson turned and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Good luck!" I called. I couldn't wait for my next mission with Grant. But, first, I had to finish my report.

I leaned over my computer screen, briefly explaining everything that had happened. I didn't go into detail and the report was only about a page, but I made sure to cover the important points.

Right after I hit send, Grant walked in.

"Time to go," he said, not even bothering to sit down.

"Aren't you curious if I finished my report?"

"You've been in here for hours, you better have finished your report."

I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Where are we going now?"

"Narsaq, Greenland," he said, "Grab a coat, it's 33 degrees Fahrenheit at best in September."

Great. I can't wait.


A/N: If May seemed a little more friendly than normal, it's because this is before Bahrain when she was a more outgoing and smiling character than after she became The Cavalry.

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