Chapter Fifty-Two

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A/N: Hey y'all!!! Happy premier-of-season-five day!!!! I'm sure you guys are as pumped as I am, but I just want to take a second to say: please no spoilers! I don't know if everyone is getting the chance to watch tonight, but either way, I don't want to hear any talk of spoilers anywhere near this story. If you want to fan girl/boy and freak out with me, then feel free to send me a private message! I'm sure there'll be plenty to talk about, this season looks like it's going to be amazing 😝 love you all and thank you in advance for keeping everything spoiler-free ❤️❤️❤️❤️


We crept through the hallways of the Hub, clearing corners and watching each other's backs to make sure no one got the jump on us. Skye passed the drive with all our back up information to Grant, and then Phil went over the plan one more time.

"Here's where we split," he said. "Skye, Samantha, and Ward?"

"Heading to the nerve center," said Grant, speaking for all of us.

"Disable their systems, and most importantly, their control of our plane," Phil reminded.

I nodded and turned to lead the way down the hallway. Skye followed, with Grant bringing up the rear.

"Remember, these agents are under orders," called Phil. "Use ICERs only."

We walked for a little while in silence, until we got to a hallway filled with guards. I pulled my head back around the corner before they could see me, and stopped Skye and Grant.

"We've got a whole squadron out there," I whispered.

"What do we do?" asked Skye.

"We're just gonna have to take them out, unless one of you can come up with a better plan," answered Grant.

I sighed heavily and leaned back on the wall. Grant and I were good, and Skye could probably do some damage, but I wasn't sure we'd be able to take out all the guys in the hallway before they shot us.

I glanced around, looking for inspiration, and then I saw it: the air vent.

"Grant," I said, getting his attention. I was still staring at the air vent. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"What? What are- oh. That might work."

"Just like Siberia," I said, grinning as I went to remove the cover.

"Slater, I hope to God that this is anything but 'just like Siberia'."


After a few minutes of trying to navigate the ventilation system, we came out in a janitor's closet in the same hallway as the nerve center. It was as close as we could get through the air vents, and it was pretty freaking close.

"Nice thinking," said Skye, once we were all on solid floor again.

"Thanks. Now let's see what we're up against in this hallway."

We sat against the wall next to the door, Grant closest, then me, then Skye. Ever so carefully, Grant slowly edged open the door to look into the hallway. Like the last one, it was crawling with guards.

"Damn," Grant muttered, inching the door closed again.

"The processing center is at the end of that hall," Skye reminded us.

"I mean, at least we don't have to go through the guys in the last hallway and these guys," I said, trying to remain optimistic. Unfortunately, that was a harder job every day.

Saving Grant WardNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ