Chapter Forty-One

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A/N: Oh my gosh guys 500 votes!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Thank you so much to everyone who's reading and voting and commenting and supporting this story, I love you all so much!! ❤️❤️❤️

Once Grant was able to stand without shaking, we headed back through the tunnels and to the Bus. I kept an arm around his waist to be safe, and he kept an arm around my shoulders, although I think he needed me for emotional support more than physical support. As soon as we got within sight of the Bus, though, he pulled back to walk normally, which I was a little disappointed about. I understood, though. Grant didn't want people to know he wasn't all Tough Guy all the time.

Despite swaggering back onto the Bus like nothing was wrong, FitzSimmons still made Grant sit for a full checkup, which I was thankful for. Grant, unfortunately, didn't share my gratitude.

"This is ridiculous," he said impatiently from where he was sitting, hooked up to several different machines by FitzSimmons (and shirtless. Not that it's important).

"It's anything but," Skye fired back, seeming even more high-strung than he was. "Ward, you passed out. And you were acting not right."

"Coulson ordered me to give you a full work-up, and that's exactly what I'm doing," added Simmons calmly, which I thought would be a much more successful approach.

Simmons asked him a string of questions, and he was getting more and more agitated. It wasn't obvious at first, but when Fitz asked him the last thing he remembered (which would have to be the well), Grant snapped.

"This is a waste of time," he said harshly, pulling his arm out of Simmons' machine, "We need to find the staff!"

"What exactly do you remember?" pressed Fitz. I could tell this wasn't going to end well.

"Something I haven't thought about in a long time," he answered darkly. I was honestly impressed he'd shared that much. I moved closer to him, trying to be emotional support, while Skye and FitzSimmons had a brief argument.

"Quiet," ordered Grant, cutting them off and looking to the monitor where Phil was interviewing the professor, who had apparently taken the staff, "I want to hear this."

Skye and FitzSimmons shared a look, and then Simmons cut the feed.

"What are you doing?" Grant demanded, turning towards Simmons with an angry look. Now I was starting to get worried. This level of crankiness wasn't normal, not even for Grant.

"Your heart rate's rising, adrenaline's spiking," answered Simmons, "You need to calm down, not get worked up."

Grant looked at her, then at me, and then started taking deep breaths. I was impressed with him for actually trying to calm down.

"The memory," started Skye, leaning in and speaking to Grant before I could stop her, "Was it about your brother?"

"Hey," I said, putting a hand on her shoulder and trying to turn her away from Grant.

"Drop it," ordered Grant before I could say anything else, completely ignoring me.

For some Godforsaken reason, she decided to push it.

"Ward, if you need to get it out, I am here-" she started.

"Skye," I warned, putting myself between her and Grant. I was too late.

Grant moved around me and started in on Skye, getting more and more worked up, and getting meaner and meaner in the process, mocking her offer and turning it down in one go.

"Grant," I said, starting towards him. I put a hand on his arm but he jerked back, looking mad. I returned his glare with a calm but stern expression, trying to jolt him out of wherever his head was right now.

Saving Grant WardWhere stories live. Discover now