Chapter Thirty-Four

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A/N: Oh my gosh you guys 5k reads!!!! Thank you so much, I can hardly believe this is real!!! And just a heads up, Samantha is coming in at the end of episode one, after everything in Union Station, literally right before the events of episode two. Also, I included the layout of the Bus that I used for reference while writing this chapter in case you needed it 😄


I weaved through traffic on my way to the airfield, wondering exactly what I was going to find when I arrived.

What I found was an enormous plane.

The cargo ramp was open, and there was plenty of space for me to pull in. A standard SHIELD car was already parked, and I saw a lab just past the garage. A spiral staircase lead up to a second floor.

"This is unbelievable," I muttered as I took off my helmet.

"What? The fact that you're never going to catch up to me in levels?" asked Grant, appearing at the top of the staircase.

I glared at him. "If I didn't miss you so much I would punch you in the face. Come give me a hug."

"You can't park there," he said, coming down the stairs.

"What? Why not?"

"Because the team leader parks his car there," he said, finally close enough to pull into a hug.

"Which is who?" I asked, once I was done hugging Grant.

"You'll see. Now move your bike so we can go upstairs and get you settled."

I glared at Grant the whole time I was moving my bike, fitting it in the space on the other side of the standard SHIELD car, then I followed him up the stairs.

You would not believe what was waiting for me there. I walked into a plushy-looking top deck, with a lounge (including a big TV), a bar, a room with computers screens that looked like a mini situation room, a bunch of small dorm rooms with more cushy chairs outside them, and a full kitchen.

"I can't believe this," I said, shaking my head as Grant showed me to my dorm.

"Which part?"

"All of it! Is this one yours?" I asked, gesturing to the crew quarters directly next to mine.

"Yes." Ours were the only two on that side of the hallway, and I dropped my bag and looked around the small area to find that the divider didn't do much. I could see over into Grant's side by standing on the bed.

"I am going to have so much fun annoying you with this," I said, popping up over the divider to smile at Grant.

"Great," he said, rolling his eyes.

I came out of the room and stood in front of Grant, staring him down and trying to catch him off guard.

"Admit to me that you were lying about being level seven."

"What? No. I wasn't lying."

"Prove it. Let me see your badge."

To my dismay, he pulled out a new badge that confirmed his claim of being level seven.

"Dammit!" I yelled, unable to help it.

"What's the issue?" asked a voice, coming out of the doorway that lead to the cockpit.

I whirled around to find myself face to face with none other than Melinda May.

"May!" I yelled happily, running to give her a hug, "Are you the leader that Grant won't tell me about?"

Saving Grant WardWhere stories live. Discover now