Epilogue Chapter One

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm putting in this epilogue to better wrap up Samantha and Grant's story after they started dating, instead of a second book. 😄 Just a quick heads up, we're jumping in about six months after Grant and Samantha left, and they're living in San Diego.


"You're fired!"

I sighed heavily. This was nothing new. It was the twelfth job I'd had in half as many months. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to hold one down longer than two weeks.

Grant and I had been living in San Diego for the past six months, and other than the never-ending job hunt, it was incredible.

We got to live like normal people. A non-SHIELD apartment, unfriendly landlord, and walks on the beach without being attacked were just a few of the perks.

Since we had a lot of enemies, we thought it might be smart to leave our drop boxes intact. We'd pulled enough money to put a down payment on the apartment, but otherwise, we hadn't touched them.

Unfortunately, Grant was having about as much luck holding down a job as me.

"What is wrong with people?" I heard him yell from the doorway of our apartment as he slammed the door behind him.

"You get fired too?" I asked, turning around on the couch as he dropped a cardboard box on the kitchen island.

"Yes. Again."

"You know, it's kinda sweet that we're on the same job schedule, but also really inconvenient."

"You're telling me. What are we going to do? I think I've been blacklisted from every customer service job in the area."

I smiled. "Well I could've told you that would happen."


"Anyway, we really need something more exciting," I sighed, turning back around on the couch.

"'Exciting' might be hard to find now that we've left SHIELD."

"Yeah..." I sighed again, then finally pat the couch next to me. "Come sit. We can resume the job hunt tomorrow. Tonight let's just relax and spend time together. That is why we left SHIELD, after all."

"Good call Slater."

Grant sank into the couch next to me, putting one arm around my shoulders. I smiled and snuggled into his chest.

"You know what this reminds me of?" he asked, absently running one hand through my hair.


"Our mission in Málaga. Remember our first night, where we just laid on the bed like this?"

"Yeah! And watched the Office for hours. That was the first time you told me about your family." I'd heard plenty about Grant's screwed up family since, but that night was the first time he'd opened up to me.

Grant nodded. "I hate to admit it, but I was stupidly nervous that whole time. It's when I started realizing how I felt about you."

I looked up at Grant and smiled, and he leaned down to give me a kiss. We'd been doing a lot of kissing since we left SHIELD, and it was awesome.

"You know, I think I really started feeling something that night, too. Unfortunately, it took me a long damn time to figure out what."

Grant chuckled. "Same here. What did make you realize, anyway?"

"Nope," I said, burying my head into his chest to hide my blush.

"What? Come on Slater!"

I shook my head vigorously, not looking up.

"That bad?"


"Alright, how about this? I'll tell you my embarrassing story if you tell me yours."

I peeked up at Grant, keeping my chin resting on his chest.

"You have an embarrassing story?"

Grant nodded, and that was it. I had to know. I knew it was more than likely he'd tease me, but I'd also get to tease him.

"Deal. Just please don't make it awkward when we eventually see the other person in this story again?" I asked.

"I'll try..." promised Grant, raising his eyebrows a little.

"Okay good. My story is, I realized I was in love with you instead of loving you like a friend when we joined Coulson's team and you and Skye started getting close."

"Seriously?" asked Grant.

"Yes seriously! I was so jealous. I almost died when I heard you were going to be her SO."

Grant smiled and pulled me closer to him.

"Well, I might have been a Supervising Officer to both of you, but I'll only ever be your Significant Other."

"Awwww. Tin Man does have a heart."

"Shut up."

I grinned and pushed up enough to give Grant another kiss, then settled back in against his side.

"Okay, now it's your turn. Embarrassing story. Go."

Grant sighed. "I was hoping you'd forget."

"Nice try. I had Markum, the best tactical memory teacher at the Academy. Now spill."

"Fine. Remember the mission in San Francisco? Just before the Helicarrier?"

"Yeah... that early? Why didn't you make a move sooner?" Grant just glared at me, and I rolled my eyes. "Sorry, sorry. Continue with your story."

"Anyway... After we caught all those guys from the gang, do you remember that cop that came and talked to you?"

"Officer Riley? Of course!"

"You've got to be kidding me."

"I am. I have no idea if that was even the guy's name, I just like messing with you."

"Seriously Slater?"

I shrugged. "You're too easy to fake out. After all this time you'd think it'd be harder, but it's not."

Grant shook his head, then decided to just continue the story. "Well, whatever the guy's name was, I was about to rip his head off when he started flirting with you."


"Yes. And then we got to the Helicarrier and you were all doe-eyed for Captain America..."

"So was Coulson."

"Yeah, well it still didn't improve my mood. That's when I realized I was in love with you."

"Awww. Grant, you're sweet." I threw one arm around him and gave him a big squeeze. "I love you."

"I love you, too. So, what do you think? Chopped or an Office marathon for old times' sake?"

"Office marathon!"

"I'll get it started."

I moved off him so he could stand and get the remote, a blanket, and some popcorn. He settled back into the couch and I snuggled into him again, then he pressed play.

"You know, I'd pay to watch you get in a fight with Captain America," I mused.

"I'd kick his ass."

I laughed, then quickly stifled it. "You know I love you, but he's got superpowers."

"If it was over you, Slater? I'd kick his ass."

I paused. "You know, I think I actually believe that."

"Good. Now relax. We've got a long job search ahead of us."

"Starting Monday. This weekend, we're going to spend time doing whatever we want, together."

Grant squeezed my shoulders as Jim and Pam talked about Angela's cat party, and I smiled. No matter how many customer service jobs I had to brave, it was worth it to be here, with him. This was heaven.

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